Just found these message boards, wanted to say Hi!

Hello all! =)

I've had this app on my phone for a long time but just recently started using the website; and, I didn't realize the website had the message board feature till today. This is great!

So, I just wanted to say "hi" and introduce myself. Hopefully the community feel will give me some needed extra motivation.

Me in a nutshell: Many moons ago (about 9 years or so) I was very active, physically fit, training with the intention of someday competing in a fitness competition. Felt great, happy, thin, strong, etc. Had a couple of fast hitting physical impairments stop me in my tracks. Havn't felt like myself in a really long time and just recently (3 weeks ago) decided I was gonna get back in shape and stop feeling so damn sad! Lol

So, with the help of this awesome website to track my food/nutrition, a pretty neat book by Tosca Reno on clean eating and my new personal trainer I have have lost 5 of the 40 pounds I need to lose and already feel a ton better emotionally.

Hope to get to know some of you better.... Have a great day! =)