Hiya, joined today and could do with some friends to keep me

Ive just joined today and could do with some friendls to keep me motivted and give me some advice.
Im 41 with 5 kids and really need to learn to be healthy and loose some weight!
Hope to hear from u soon x:smile:


  • jacque74
    Hey there! I joined a few days ago. I'm doing DietBet, thanks to a friend on Twitter, and need to lose 4% of my weight in 28 days. UGH! I'm 37 and have four kids. I used to do cardio kickboxing and got in great shape, but then we moved and it's just been hard to get back into any kind of routine. I was taking burlesque classes for awhile and am starting up again next month. I alternate between Jillian Michaels workouts at home and elliptical or class workouts at the gym. Glad to offer support and any tips I come across.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    Hi! I'm 47 with 2 teens and I'm looking forward to losing 15-30 pounds... 10 would be great as long as I can keep it off! this site helps keep you honest and helps you to track where all your calories are coming from!
  • LisaJ2904
    LisaJ2904 Posts: 157 Member
    :wink: Hi best advice I can give is to come back here everyday . I also have the app on my blackberry and I have become obsessed with fiddling with it . I look at it like a game that I keep getting better at xx

    My second tip is to enjoy your food and take your time . We spend all day thinking about food then gulp it down while watching TV, savour every mouthful and be aware of what you put in your mouth.