clean eater macronutrients



  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    I don't think we should be following the traditional Okinawa diet. Its far too low in protein and too high in carbs, and very low in fat for most of us. I don't think its just their diet that gave them the health benefits - their lifestyle, omega 3, mineral rich diet.
    The potassium/sodium ratio definitely not good on SAD.

    Never tried the Okinawa way, but works for millions of southern-Japanese :wink:
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    How on earth do people get this much protein without eating processed powders?
    why would it be any different for those who don't eat clean?

    Ratios/percentages are pointless

    1g pr lb of lean body mass in protein
    .35x body weight for g of fat
    fill in the rest with whatever

    See Terri??? See? ;) What did I tell ya?

    You learned me lol
    I want a sweet potato now lol.
    Is there anything wrong with eating more fat than that? I usually go a little over the protein (I have 97lbs lean body mass and usually eat 120g protein/day) but my fat is almost always more like .6x body weight for fat grams. Just curious. Between my daily egg, cheese and nuts I'd have a hard time eating a lot less fat.
    I'm not a big fan of cheese but I'm having the same problem.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    why would it be any different for those who don't eat clean?

    Ratios/percentages are pointless

    1g pr lb of lean body mass in protein
    .35x body weight for g of fat
    fill in the rest with whatever

    Because since I've been trying to cut out more processed foods, I've found my self eating more nuts/veg/beans which creeps up my carb and fat content and my proteins disappearing lol. Wondering how people who dont eat powders do it without eating mostly fat.