17 Day Diet

I am fairly new at this and I see things about the 17DD. Can someone please tell me what that is?

Thank you.


  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I'm not very informed, but the name itself suggests it's a temporary measure...
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    I'm not very informed, but the name itself suggests it's a temporary measure...

    Which just goes to show that you should never assume things :wink:

    In fact, the 17 Days refer to three 17 day cycles leading up to a Maintenance Phase. In other words, anything but temporary. Instead it's an excellent way to change your eating habits permanently and for the better.

    During Cycle 1 you will eat a low carb, high protein diet, that does however include fruit and plenty of vegetables.
    During Cycle 2 grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables will be reintroduced on alternating days.
    During Cycle 3 you will add refined carbs, and eat higher-carb foods daily. You will also learn portion control.

    After finishing Cycle 3 you can either repeat the cycles until you reach your goal weight, or move on to the Maintenance Phase which will provide you with strategies to sustain your weight loss.

    It's an extremely healthy, extremely effective way of losing weight permanently, not least because at no point you will be starving yourself and you will be learning to make the right choices.

    See https://www.facebook.com/#!/17daydiet for more information from people who love this diet, myself included.
  • KelLifts
    KelLifts Posts: 99 Member
    This diet was a great starting point for me. I lost 11lbs on the first and second phases. Plus it helped me cut soda and sweets out.
  • Joanadvntr
    Thank you for your answer and it is most helpful.:drinker:
  • steeniehart
    My BIL lost over 80 lbs in 6 months on this diet. He has always been quite big for his height (he's about 5'4", and as long as I've known him, has been well over 200lbs) I saw him for the first time in a year last month, and almost didn't recognize him! He's down to about 180 lbs now! Both he & his wife follow the 17DD (she's tiny though--- always has been) and both of them rave about it. We looked into it for us, but just couldn't wrap our heads around giving up coffee! LOL!!!
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    You don't HAVE to give up coffee. He's just suggesting you do. I kicked smoking last June, so I categorically refused to lose my last vice! :devil: However, the diet still works for me, the only thing that does between encroaching menopause and an underactive thyroid. I absolutely love it, and so far (halfway through Cycle 3) I've yet to get a craving of any sort. Yay!!! :happy: