I'm an idiot...

I weighed myself tonight...with clothes on...after eating...AND it's that time of the month (sorry if that's tmi). I'm so dumb!! Now I feel allll...fat and gross. Despite my knowing all of the facts, it still messes with your head to see a high number on the scale. :-/


  • I know how you feel girl... I'm tempted to go hop on the scale right now but I know I'll be disappointed and it'll ruin my whole weekend
  • aminakhan1980
    aminakhan1980 Posts: 105 Member
    lol I know exactly what u mean! It's sooo frustrating! Just keep away from that stinkin' scale for at least a week! You will be glad u did...
  • Don't beat yourself up - tomorrow's a new day and you will feel great in a few days when you debloat and loose all that extra water!
  • I know, it's HORRIBLE :( but i just think of it as a restart, and then i have a new goal to reach
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    If that makes you an idiot we are all in trouble :) remember that the water weight will come off with time and increase your water intake to help with the bloating (or Midol...it helps too). Keep it up and don't let yourself worry too hard!
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    This is why I only weigh myself Monday mornings before eating in just my boxers and never when I'm on my period. Because I don't have a period, being a man.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I usually do the naked A.M. post-potty, pre-food weigh-in,
    but I'll weigh at the end of the day once in a while just to get a sense of how much I tend to vary in a day.

    I use my A.M. weigh-ins for tracking purposes, but now under stand that I usually have a 3-4 lb range during the day.
    It helps me put things in perspective.