what is wrong???!!!

i lost my first four pounds and then nothing. I have no clue why. I lost weight when I was not even counting calories during the last two weeks of december. i have no clue what to do. I even changed my calorie intake and started a higher protein intake.


  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    I can't advise what is wrong, but keep with it! Just keep excersising and stay close to your mfp goal and eventually the scale will move again.
  • Mission2Me
    Mission2Me Posts: 208 Member
    thank you for the motivation!!!
  • def stay with it ive been stuck at my plateu for months now.. i just train a lil harder eat a lil healthier and keep at it. You will pick up these life changin habits that will go with you forever
  • I hear you!! The only way I managed to lose any was when my MD put me on weight loss meds. I lost 15 pounds and that was it. I have been tracking my food and activity for a month and I budged. It's frustrating but I am determined, well actually, pissed off, but I am going to continue to eat well and move.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Honestly, us ladies can fluctuate 5lbs or more just depending on the time of the month. That could just have been water weight, etc. Just keep at it........like everyone says, it took a long time to put on the weight, it's gonna take a long time to get it off. Keep tracking your food and exercise.
  • Mission2Me
    Mission2Me Posts: 208 Member
    I hope I am catching my weight on a fluctuation day. I has been almost two months and no change. I cant get diet pills because my iron is too low. I have stopped taking so much of my medicine. I will figure this out. It is definitely a thing that has pissed me off too. Gaining weight has always been consistently easier to do. but I think maybe I need to rev it up my exercise and hopefully that will pull me out of this.