balance cushion suggestions

I am thinking about getting a balance cushion/disc for my chair at work since I am at my desk for 9 hours a day. I have been reading that this strenghtens your core muscles and tones your abs. I was seriously considering a balance ball at first, but then came across the cushion (which is much less obvious than sitting on a huge ball).

I cam across the Jfit disc and a few others.

Any opinions, suggestions on which ones, etc.?

Thank you!


  • Annette8479
    Annette8479 Posts: 82 Member
    I've been sitting on a balance disc at work for about 6 months now. I don't think it's doing anything. I even made a round pillow case to hide it in. I can't vouch for it helping to strengthen core muscles by just sitting on it for 9 hours (which I also heard it did, that's the reason i got it). But I still sit on it. Might as well, I guess it doesn't hurt anything. But, I'd love to hear someone else who does this and thinks it's making a difference. Maybe I need to put or take out some air.
  • Manderin1973
    Manderin1973 Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks for your reply. I think I am going to order one.