Lots of extra weight to shed and need some friends!!

jessicaferrell Posts: 6 Member
edited November 11 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all!

My name is Jessica =]

I'm a 21 year old originally from Washington, DC. I now live in Jacksonville, NC where my husband is stationed.

No kiddos yet, we're still having fun! And I want to be a slim cute preggo when the time comes. One of my many reasons for losing the weight now while I'm still young!

We have a Chihuahua/Rottweiler puppy (weird combination, I know.) and a Ball Python.

I used to dance Ballet until and injury required both my knees to be replaced at age 15, which is when the weight really piled on. I know I will probably never get back to my "Ballerina weight" and I'm okay with that. I just want to be happy and healthy and wear whatever the HELL I WANT!

I love art and tattoos and music and dance and pretty much all of that artsy fartsy ****.

I'm looking for some friends to add on here because my list is a bit bleak, and I really benefit from the support!!

I get really discouraged when I think about how long this process is going to take. I like instant gratification, which is probably why I've always turned to food to comfort me. I know this is going to be sooooo worth every second in the long run, but I feel so overwhelmed when I think about it.

Hopefully yall can help =/



  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Hi and welcome.

    Have a mooch around the forums and see if you can find others with similar goals or interests as yourself then shoot them a friend request (it can help to include a quick message as to why you would like to be friends) Also, if you have specific interests you can use the search button just above your post to look for things that interest you

    Good luck
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