beer is my biggest problem



  • frogmommy
    frogmommy Posts: 151 Member
    I love a good, hoppy IPA. Try switching to a more satisfying beer so you drink less, maybe?
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I guess at this point, the question is what's more important, the beer or your health?
  • ok one more thing to clarify, i do not get drunk or a buzz or anything, that is reserved for the weekends when my daughter is at a sitters or a sleep over, i just like having a couple beers kickin back after dinner, anyways some good suggestions, setting a goal for myself to not drink all weekend, with the exception of sat night i might have a cocktail or two, i have a military ball to attend with my husband, never been to one before so idk how they are but i do know im very uneasy in crowds and around my hubbys higher ups (im always afraid im gunna get him in trouble lmao!!) hope some other people got use out of this thread too, seems like alot of people share the same problem!!!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I love a good, hoppy IPA. Try switching to a more satisfying beer so you drink less, maybe? doesnt work that way.

    OP is over weight and diabetic. Beer is only making both worse. It just depends on your priorities.

    Your health or beer.

    Seems an easy choice.
  • Have you ever tried to cut out alcohol for a short period of time? I did from October to December in 2011 and loved it. Nearly every aspect of my life improved: health, spirituality, work life, family life, relationships with friends, you name it, it was better without alcohol.

    I added alcohol back to my life in moderation after the beginning of the year. I now drink a few beers or glasses of wine on Friday or Saturday but that's it. I don't allow for it on weekdays at all. Now I feel the alcohol hits me much faster than I used to, so one to two drinks is enough. That's cut the calories way down, and it has also kept me from asking myself what in the world I got into the night before.

    I know cutting it out completely sounds drastic. I'm not saying to do it forever. But you can do anything for a week, or two, or a month. Shoot for a small goal for now, see how your body likes it, and go from there.

    It also helps if you have something to replace it with. Instead of drinking too much on weekends, I'm now spending every Saturday and Sunday in the mountains skiing, snowshoeing, or climbing. I make sure I tell my friends I'm meeting them at an ungodly early morning hour so I don't get tempted to stay out too late the night before!

    Best of luck to you! I'm not one to think beer is the enemy, I think of it as a friend! But it's not the kind of friend that I can be overly reliant on. It's my weekend buddy that makes me smile and get a little goofy. :-)
  • Not to beat a dead horse, but I just saw your other post about how to get over a hangover.


    Drinking to deal with stress.
    Drinking to make yourself more comfortable around others.
    A few drinks daily with the BIG drinking on the weekends.
    Now... how do I get rid of my hangover?

    Come back when you are serious about getting healthy. You're not there right now.
  • Karmynzahringer
    Karmynzahringer Posts: 192 Member
    I too love to party, and until I became serious about my health, I was drinking at the bars around 2-3 times per week and having anywhere between 10-15 beers, which was an insane amount of calories, especially with Budweiser. When I first started trying to cut back and lose some weight, I switched to Bud Select 55, which was better as far as the calories, but in the end, I still was not losing. I have now quit drinking almost entirely without any problems. I thought it would be difficult, but I just had to make the decision. I have lost 18lbs total since quitting drinking and changing around my diet, and I am almost positive that I would not have lost it if I kept drinking like I was. You have to decide what is more important, being in a body you love and respect, or drinking. Once you make up your mind, really make it up, quitting drinking will not be a problem. Turning your girlfriends down when they ask you to go out can be difficult, but after a while they will see you are serious, and find other ways to spend time with you that do not include drinking if they are good friends. Good luck!

    P.s. My mother died of liver cancer, and I refuse to put my children through the pain that caused me. She didn't drink that much either, but drank a couple beers every day, when we were little, by the time we were adults she was downing a 12 pack a night because she didn't have to worry about caring for us and in the end, it killed her.
  • BigAlfrn
    BigAlfrn Posts: 173 Member
    i used to drink beer almost every night and i stopped right after new years and began my diet and working out and i'm down 23lbs already.
  • kelleygi
    kelleygi Posts: 583 Member
    Beer is SO my biggest problem!!! I work out 6-7 days a week, I watch what I eat, I'v seen a change in my body BUT I still have BEER BELLY!!! But I LOVE BEER! I don't know what to do!! The lesser calorie beers taste like water!!! This is so unfair!! :drinker:
  • tiptoeketo
    tiptoeketo Posts: 271 Member
    Beer was one of the biggest issues for me, too. It was also one of the reasons I ended up so overweight to begin with. Beer season for me is just around the corner(summer), so I'm doing my best to shape up now so that I can enjoy a few in moderation.

    I've cut back significantly over time. I don't think you should cut it out, but enjoy it in moderation. Important for me is to NOT HAVE IT IN THE HOUSE, because I know that I WILL DRINK IT.

    I also have learned to drink low calorie beer- they are about 70 calories a can.

    I've saved myself a lot of money cutting back. It can be done...just take baby steps!

    Here's a good article on alcohol and weight loss:
  • PuzzleGirl65
    PuzzleGirl65 Posts: 81 Member
    If you're not even getting a buzz, what's the point? I'm not sure you're being honest with yourself. If drinking beer is causing problems for you, stop doing it. If you can't stop, then it's a bigger problem than you think it is.
  • While I won't tell you to stop drinking...because I Love a good hard drink now and then!! But maybe try to find something else to relieve stress.... People might ***** at me for smoking, but if I get stressed, I take a cup of coffee and smoke outside where it's peaceful. It calms the soul. Or maybe get lost in your ipod and just rock out.

    on another note, you could always switch to like Mich Ultra or the other low cal beer. Personally, I'd rather drink water than that stuff...but to each their own!!!

    Good luck and stay positive!! This is only a moment in time. It too shall pass!!
  • Yeah, beer is one of my problems too. Hubby and I do switch it up sometimes and drink Wieser's or Vanilla Vodka, both with coke. Only problem though is the coke is higher calorie than the beer. I can't stand the taste of diet drinks and OJ is pretty high as well.

    One night recently I was way under my calories because I had allotted for a few beers. When I got there, they were drinking screwdrivers and the OJ was almost gone. I wasn't really in the mood for that so I didn't drink anything and when I got home I went to bed.

    Moderation seems to be the hardest thing most times. Especially if the first one goes down good. Before I know it I am 5 or 6 in.