Sore Knees?

Hey guys,
Had a monster workout on Monday, hit my PB for squats at 70kg (154lbs) so that made my quads have super doms. That night I also did week 2 day 2 of C25K.
So next day, obviously had major DOMS, which by yesterday had mostly subsided. However, when I went to run week 2 day 3, my knees were very sore. Not so much pain, but, very uncomfortable and sore.
I got through the run, as they eased off as I went, but today, back at the gym, I couldn't complete my squats as bending just felt like pushing it too far.

I'm guessing the soreness is due to the runs - I run on pavements around campus and have never run before this. Is there anything I can do to prevent it (other than running on a treadmill)? Someone suggested ice on both knees as soon as I come back from a run, another suggested heat...

Because it's not pain as such, I'm not sure if I should work through and keep on with my gym/runs or rest?


  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    Knee injuries are pretty serious and if you're not careful it can become a recurring issue, so I'd suggest having at least a days rest and then see how you feel, also maybe concider running on something softer like grass?

    And maybe (if you haven't already of course) invest in some trainers with shock absorbers in them to take some strain off them or is there a grassy patch you can run on? It might help.

    And as for the applying heat/ice, I'd go for heat as that helps circulation and therefore recovery, ice is generally used to reduce swelling so unless they are swollen go for heat.

    I'm no doctor so obviously feel free to brush of my advice but this is what I would do personally.
  • peachied
    peachied Posts: 117 Member
    I hope you rest at some point! It seems like you need some time to rest and ice the muscles and joints that are hurting.
  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    you could also start to wear ankle supports? i'm inclined to say rest too, better rest & recovering than making it worse
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    When you say your PB how have you worked up to this 70kg as that could be your problem going in when your body is not ready and causing you an injury, I'd rest for a few days and cut back on the weights and try running mid next week to see if that could be the problem.
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    Make sure you're taking rest days in between running and stretch and warm up properly before each run too.
  • bjlkt2
    bjlkt2 Posts: 17 Member
    Sorry to add any confusion and disagree with another poster, but I actually recommend ice. Ice and ibuprofen helped me when I had similar issues. Also, it couldn't hurt, if you have a student health center/free access to a doctor or physical trainer on campus, to check with them and make sure it's nothing too serious. Probably you just need some time off to rest.
  • katherinemm31
    I don't run anymore in part because I killed my knees when I was younger, trying to run at 200+ pounds. So now, my knees hurt after using the treadmill, eliptical or stationary bike, as well as after walking or swimming. I guess you could say they always hurt, some days worse than others. I don't want to take a break from exercising because I need to do it every day. I ignore it as much as I can, but sometimes, I still wine. At some point, I know I am in for knee surgery, but it won't be now, I can tell you that. My point is, listen to the others here who are saying to take a day off. Knees are very important. :smile:
  • LauraJWStevenson
    LauraJWStevenson Posts: 55 Member
    I was told to walk on an incline with mine.... it helps...Mine will totally give out once in awhile. But I know when I feel the tingley twingy to start backing off and slow down. So far its gotten stronger but if I push it to lets me know.
  • Paulbp4
    Paulbp4 Posts: 59 Member
    Is the pain in the sides of the knee? Is it in both knees? I get a pain in my knees primarily from running. I have looked into it and the symptoms most fit Iliotibial Band Syndrome (SP?) or i think its also called runners Knee.

    Basically you trained too hard too fast. I believe C25K is designed to be done as a relatively isolated workout. I commend you for adding weight training but you may have wanted to avoid your legs. This band is attached to your hip and becomes inflamed causing your pain.

    Sound like it? If so google and theres ways to reduce pain etc. Just mostly need to rest it and try not to increase your training as quickly next time.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Google "Good form running". You are likely landing too hard with each step and sending shockwaves into your knee joint. If you run with with good form and run lightly, like a ninja, the shock and soreness will be gratly reduced.