Would you like to know the real causes of depression?



  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    Perfect response to the run of the mill sanctimonious *kitten* around here.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    So incredable true, I grew up with sever depression, not cause of a inbalance but cause my daddy who was my best friend was taken from me and put into prision many times while growing up,

    now a big factor in depression for me is STRESS! STRESS causes a lot of people depression I am willing to bet, the feeling of there is nothing I can do to fix this, the feeling of being stuck with no way out!,

    but one thing I will note that I always feel tons better when I spend time in the sun, or watch tv, if the tv is on you arn't alone with your thoughts =) but the biggest cure for depression is Jesus talk about finding a purpose that is the Ultamate
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Diet DOES affect your mood due to chemicals! A deficiency of folic acid can lead to feelings of depression! So eat your greens guys!

    I don't think if I eat "greens" is going to fix my back injury and make the economy better so I can support my family, I also don't think eating greens will help my friend who suffers from depression cause she was molested as a child will magically help her either,

    you see some depression can be because of a physical defeshaincy but others can be from a psychological trauma, this is exactly what the poster was talking about
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    If it were caused by foods, I'd have one strange case of Bipolar I.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    The OP of that other thread is a troll, who starts threads to rile everybody up.

    He apparently succeeded again.

    Please don't let him.

    I'm really sorry for your friend.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Totally agree with this.
    I have spent most of my teenage years with depression. I have had highs and lows whatever my diet (and certainly just as many lows while consuming a healthier lifestyle!)
  • CinJay
    CinJay Posts: 157 Member
    The OP of that other thread is a troll, who starts threads to rile everybody up.

    He apparently succeeded again.

    Please don't let him.

    I'm really sorry for your friend.

    Exactly this.
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    I deal with depression on a daily baisis. Notice that I did NOT say I "battle" depression because I dont, I DEAL with it. I know first hand what depression feels like. I know what it is like to almost lose your family because you are depressed and they can not stand being around you any more. I know what it feels like to stare down the barrel of a gun because you don't think you can go on another day. Lucky for me and my family I didn't pull the trigger. (This was 7 years ago, I am very much better now)

    I take medication on a daily baisis and I have learned how to cope with life and different things that trigger depression. Some days I do very well and other days I suck at it but all in all, I am a very happy person now and thank God for all of my life's experiences.

    Now to say food causes depression......:laugh: :noway: :smokin: :noway: :laugh: ....... thanks for the laugh. I have NOT ONCE, been depressed over something I have eaten!!

    I like this post. I hope your friend heals very soon. I dont know what causes depression, but I know that God is an awesome comforter and healer through the stresses and trials of this life.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
  • lorig_2000
    lorig_2000 Posts: 106 Member
    Good on you for posting this. I have depression which I am controlling with meds. I certainly did not get depressed from food!

    I hope your friend gets the help they need and they can get on track to a happy life! :smile:
  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member
    I usually don't respond in these types of discussions and I'm very sorry about your friend.....I suffer from mild depression on occasion......nothing as serious as her situation though.
    The whole point of my response is this.......Did anyone actually read the whole post?People here seem to be ready and willing to have controversy at a moments notice .At the end of his post he says
    ":My ultimate point is, most studies are bs. They can greatly be influenced by financial gain, or just by bad research. My question to you is, Do you believe that low carb diets make people dumb? Do you believe that high carb diets cause depression and suicide? We all know intuitively mostly these claims aren't true. Yet they are backed by research..."
    I don't know the OP,nor am I a friend of his here........He's not supporting either claim......he's just asking your opinion on these types of research and if you find them valid.
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 748 Member
    I deal with depression on a daily baisis. Notice that I did NOT say I "battle" depression because I dont, I DEAL with it. I know first hand what depression feels like. I know what it is like to almost lose your family because you are depressed and they can not stand being around you any more. I know what it feels like to stare down the barrel of a gun because you don't think you can go on another day. Lucky for me and my family I didn't pull the trigger. (This was 7 years ago, I am very much better now)

    I take medication on a daily baisis and I have learned how to cope with life and different things that trigger depression. Some days I do very well and other days I suck at it but all in all, I am a very happy person now and thank God for all of my life's experiences.

    Now to say food causes depression......:laugh: :noway: :smokin: :noway: :laugh: ....... thanks for the laugh. I have NOT ONCE, been depressed over something I have eaten!!

    I'm glad you're still here to comment on this thread! :) (((HUGS)))) I've not been suicidal, but I deal with depression and anxiety and it sucks. blah. A lot of people just don't understand any of it. :(
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 748 Member
    While I don't think that the food you eat in any way causes depression, I have found that eating healthily does help with managing the illness long term, and reducing the frequency and severity of episodes, as does regular exercise, and keeping regular sleeping habits.

    I wish I could simply change my diet and make it go away though lol...unfortunately it's a bit more complicated than that, and any benefit of eating more healthily is part of the bigger picture of taking good care of yourself for good mental health.

    This makes sense.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    And in case people are wondering, this is in response to this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/501862-high-carb-diets-are-linked-to-suicide-and-depression

    I just felt I needed a new post to really make my point stand out.

    I'm more than just a little upset, seeing as I just got back from visiting a friend in the hospital. She tried to kill herself.

    Maybe I should tell her to back off on the carbs. :angry:

    Depression is always caused by a chemical imbalance, what triggers that chemical imbalance is the other factors in ones life.....which you mentioned several.

    On to my story:

    Not being funny, but I was suicidal and bi-polar with borderline schizophrenic symptoms and the medication the Dr put me on made me worse. I was then eating a higher carb eating plan (did not know I was diabetic) then. One night I had vegetarian pizza, breadsticks and some cake.

    I started having mood swings and my husband and I had some words...............I was on such a roller coaster (insulin wise, which also contributes to other hormone imbalances in the brain and elsewhere in the body). My husband left to run to the store and I slit my own throat...........

    The Dr that was attending my care in the hospital at the time told me I needed to cut the sugar and crap out of my eating and thought he was crazy.................

    My depression, suicidal tendancies, etc did not go away until I actually went strictly controlled carb and removed all processed foods from my life.

    I am now living medication free and stable. There are many, many more people like me out there.

    Don't discount the power of the food you eat and the affects it has on the body. There are people in this world that can not eat processed foods and we shouldn't be belittled into thinking differently.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I totaly agree with you!

    Its not caused by food! NO WAY!


    There are foods than can help, after batteling with it for years and been on loadz of differnt meds, I found changes in my diet can help, junk food definetly puts me on a downer, and high sure and "refined carbs" not complex card send my mood up and down.

    Everyone reacts diffrent to food tho, some people are sensitve others not, it has been proven that diets high in omega 3 and vit b12 are less likely to have depression. I dont think people should say eat this you will be depressed, but by the same time cant always rule out food as a trigger.

    Food affects mood. Plain and simple.

    There have been numerous studies done that show that people that live in very poor socio-economic areas don't have access to fresh meats, fruit, vegetables, etc are more prone to violence than those people that do have access to fresh foods.

    Processed foods are not good for the human body, point, blank and simple.

    I received this article this morning in my email box............ironic isn't it?

  • Depression is a strange thing, alot of people spend alot of time in denial about it. I for one struggled for many years to cope with things happening in my life, my parents splitting up, bad relationships, changes around me and whilst they arent awfully bad things to some people it was my life and these were bad things happening in it. Everyones events of bad things happening are different because of what they experience in their lifes. I spent a long time and a lot of time thinking about suicide yet not actually ever attempting it but i constantly felt like i was on the edge of a cliff just waiting for someone to push me over.... one day some one nearly did push me over and i broke down i just cried and cried and cried for hours, telling my younger brother about how i was feeling. 3 years down the line and my family went through one of our worst ever times last year finding out my sister was abused when she was younger and i have dealt with that and my feelings so much easier because people know and i talk to my family and friends and if i have a bad day they know. My mum will hug me, my boyfriend will be extra nice to me and my friends cheer me up. They are many different factors to depression and many different reasons people have it, as for diet being one of them it could possibly be if you are someone who is stuck and fed up with being over weight but cant see a way out. You get stuck in a rut, you feel low, upset, confused, not with it, so you struggle to do daily tasks at times even get out of bed so you then feel worse, its a horrible cycle to get into. My heart goes out to anyone that does struggle with their emotions as my sister does because of her vile child hood, or as I did because it just seemed to be one bad thing after another, or as my friend does because it runs in her family. But there is not one person in this world that can say DEPRESSION IS CAUSED BECAUSE OF.......

    But i do find healthy eating and exercise do make me feel good. It is well know that Exercise realises HAPPY HORMONES! : )
  • 189andFalling
    189andFalling Posts: 58 Member
    I'm lucky to not have had true depression. Certainly down days but nothing serious. I recall reading in a number of places that exercise is as good as any pills. Perhaps not in the severe case but I always feel 'up' after a good run!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I thought I'd come into this thread and be annoyed at one of those 'it's YOUR fault you're depressed" threads, but I come in and it's this beautiful and 100% accurate post. Win.
    Thank you for posting the TRUTH about depression.
  • emstaley4
    emstaley4 Posts: 76 Member
    I have taken meds for years for my depression. Does exercise and eating right HELP me feel better? YES!! Are they going to fix my depression? NO. I have tried going off of my meds and relying on exercise and diet and you know what?! I had to go back on my meds.....you can find anything you want on the internet.....even articles that prove or dis-prove a point. Unless you have lived with a symptom or a disease I don't think anyone should be saying "if only you would do this you'd feel better" or "read this and it will tell you what is really wrong with you" I am sorry for your friend. I lost a very close friend to suicide 13 years ago and not a day goes by that I don't miss him. Praying for your friend and you for strength to get through this dark time. There really is light at the end of the tunnel even if we can't see it. Good Luck and don't let others who have no fliping clue get you down.
  • Great point!
    Some people feel like they know the answers to other people problem!