Hey Everybody! I'm joinin' the "proud crowd"!! Let's do th

icandoallthings Posts: 1,212 Member
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Yesterday I found "myfitnesspal.com" and went gung-ho! Finally a place to be accountable! Man. I wrote down every *tiny* little thing that I ate, got on the stationary bike and drank lots of water (4 out of 8 required glasses. hey- baby steps! I'll get there - hee hee!).

Lost 2 lbs my first day - woohoo!! Now, when we watch the Biggest Loser tonight (love love love that show!), I won't be so green with envy. I'm on the right track and feeling good about myself! That's a GREAT feeling! I'm preparing for a temptation to arise like they always do but I'm in a "conquering" mood!!!! Bring it on!


  • icandoallthings
    icandoallthings Posts: 1,212 Member
    Yesterday I found "myfitnesspal.com" and went gung-ho! Finally a place to be accountable! Man. I wrote down every *tiny* little thing that I ate, got on the stationary bike and drank lots of water (4 out of 8 required glasses. hey- baby steps! I'll get there - hee hee!).

    Lost 2 lbs my first day - woohoo!! Now, when we watch the Biggest Loser tonight (love love love that show!), I won't be so green with envy. I'm on the right track and feeling good about myself! That's a GREAT feeling! I'm preparing for a temptation to arise like they always do but I'm in a "conquering" mood!!!! Bring it on!
  • You go go go girl!
  • Boopbo9
    Boopbo9 Posts: 9
    yea I'm on day three and have done the same. I'm doing great so far . Usually if I get past the third day I'm on the right track and can stay with it. You go girl
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    welcome! I have found MFP to be a great place for community and accountability... but it will only give you as much as you are willing to give it... :noway: :happy:

    Keep drinking water, counting cals, and exercising and you will be your skinny self in no time at all!
  • Good for you! I LOVE Biggest Loser!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hi, and welcome to THE best site on the web!
    Between the easy to use food counter (which by the way is SUCH an eye opener!) and all the wonderfully supportive members, you WILL be able to lose the weight that you want to, AND, it'll "almost" be easy doing it!
    I recommend logging ALL your foods BEFORE you have them, rather than later, as it tends to lead to better food choices. (not to mention you'll know if you've got enough numbers left to have a night time snack, like I ALWAYS try to do!) Some people also like to weigh and measure some things, such as meats, rather than just estimating and possibly being WAY off!
    Also, drink lots of water, that seems to help alot too. :drinker:
  • icandoallthings
    icandoallthings Posts: 1,212 Member
    Thx for the encouragement! It helps a lot! Back atcha! :flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever. You will love it here. I :heart: this site. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, and everyone is so nice and friendly here. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this.:smile::flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
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