Unable to meet calorie goals



  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    I think this is the hardest thing for people from what I keep reading. I don't want to offer advise just want to say good luck. I'm not sure if this will help or hinder I don't eat all of my calories and I've been losing weight. Before I knew about having to eat all my calories I was living in ignorant bliss. I lost 58 lbs before i had even heard of this website. I excercised and ate healthy and lost weight. Good luck, don't stress and be healthy. Do you yalls.(ghetto paula dean says)
  • LolaGotThin
    LolaGotThin Posts: 111 Member
    I gave someone else the same advice I'm about to give you: Try to do shakes and smoothies. Use protein powder and other higher calorie ingredients like some natural peanut butter. You can get a few hundred calories in there and you're drinking it so it's a little easier than trying to shovel food down your throat, ya know?
    I tend to drink shakes in the morning because food literally makes me gag. I have no idea why it just makes me want to hurl. :>
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    OK According to my nutritionist, the first rule of thumb with this calorie counter thing is that when you exercise and it adds extra calories you can eat.....stick to the calories you are told to eat without the exercising.
    Example: if you are allowed to eat 1400 calories a day and you exercise and it ADDS 450 calories to your 1400 (1400 + 450 = 1850), DON"T go over your 1400. You don't NEED the extra calories. Those added are for MAINTAINING you current weight. You are trying to lose, so stick to what your calorie goal is before the exercising.
    Oh, 3 liters of water is too much for your body to process also, try tea or flavored water (the clear, no calorie or sugar ones). That will make you a little bit hungery so you can nurish your body with what it needs or wants. It is ok to have sweets sometimes, just in moderation. According to my nutritionist, you can eat junk food all day long as long as you don't go over you calorie goal. (I haven't put that to the test......)
    Hope that helps. You can add me if you wish.

    Good Luck

    Wow... my nutritionist would have a field day with your nutritionist... eating and exercising like that is what stalled my metabolism and put my heart muscle at risk. To each their own, I guess. I also Love hearing a so-called medical professional telling people paying for their services that junk food is just as good for fueling your body as real food. Calories in/calories out is def all that matters for losing weight, but for someone w a nutrition degree (she does actually have one, right?) to ignore quality of food like that is pretty crazy.

    Also, her/your advice is contrary to MFPs guidelines. As others have said, there is a deficit created already in the amount they give you. Regardless (since you must not gave explained that part to this 'nutritionist'), if you eat 1400 cals, then burn 500, you end up with 900. If you burn more than that, say 700, like I do most days a week, you would end up netting 700/day. That is like sitting at home, doing nothing, but only eating 700 cals. Some days, like my long run days, I was netting 300 or less. Even without the junk food thing (and the water thing...'process' water?? You can't be serious) any professional in the nutrition field advocating that should lose their license. This kind of drastic restriction works for a while for most people, while it slows their metabolism, strains their heart muscle, and makes it so they have to eat at this severe restriction level just to keep from gaining, nevermind being able to lose anymore. This is why yo-yo dieting happens.

    OP, if you want to work on getting more cals in, go for nuts, nut butters, regular dairy (cheese, yogurt, etc, not fat free). There are lots of schools of thought here, you'll notice. My thinking is that, sure, you can probably lose quicker at a high deficit, but you may have to stay at that caloric intake forever to maintain, if you don't stall out first. Then you'd have to re-feed your body, a slow, arduous process, which can involve an initial gain, which will make you crazy.... or you could do this in a way that might mean slower losses but also means you can maintain your loss with more food. Given the choice between maintaining my goal weight at 2000, or maintaining my goal weight at 1200-1400... I know which one I'd choose!
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    They call me the ThreadKiller.....
  • KathieSwenson
    Jenniebean is right in what she saying. I've been playing around with my food for around a month now if I eat anything less than 1200 I will gain or have water weight gain. If I exercise and do not eat more than my calorie level intake that I should have its even worse. You can find healthy foods out there that are a little higher in calories. Do not use artificial sweetners like nutria sweet. First of all nutria sweet breaks down into your body as formaldehyde and Ethel alcohol. So not only are you poisoning yourself with Ethel alcohol you are also embalming yourself it is also a nuerotoxin and has the same ingredients of rat poison. So don't believe research it. I am intolerant to it and it causes me to have seizures. Secondly it has been proven to hinder weight loss not help it. That I don't have all the facts but I've lost 25 lbs eating the same foods as my husband. Same calories as him everything. He drinks diet cokes I don't. He hasn't lost anything. Be safe. Finding the right food combination is important as we are all different. Keep watching what you input and then adjust accordingly.