Confused about calories burned- elliptical vs treadmill



  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    that is mostly because the machines are inaccurate, you may have burned more on the treadmill and less on the elliptical they the machine told you.

    To get the best estimate of calories burned you would need a HRM.
  • Missjilly1025
    Missjilly1025 Posts: 146 Member
    First off good for you for exercising while still smoking, it's tough but good on you anyways.

    When I first started running again I went to the running room and joiined a learn to run program. The way you begin is to run 1 minute walk 1 minute. Do this three times a week. The second week increase your run to 2 minutes and walk one minute. Each week you increase your running by 1 minute and always have a 1 minute walk break until you reach 10 minutes of running. It has been shown that this kind of running leads to less injuries and faster recoveries after bigger runs. So please don't feel like you should be doing more. You aren't on the couch with a bucket of ice cream and that all that matters.

    Lastly, all I can say about the calories on the machine is never listen to them. Go on Amazon and buy a HRM and only use that. You can't trust the machines.

    Good luck!
  • princessjarvis
    Running to me is a double edge sword...It's the best calorie burner, but it's so hard on the body. The elliptical burns slightly less calories because you aren't so self-propelled, but at least it doesn't pound on your knees and joints so much.

    I couldnt agree more with the above quote!!

    I have invest in a Polar HRM and I just go off that and not the machines as i found they were inaccurate.

    I prefer to go on the elliptical as i always feel ive burnt more but carry on with your interval training on the the you will increase your fitness over time

    p.s WELL DONE FOR RUNNING!!! :drinker:
  • nkziv
    nkziv Posts: 161 Member
    you may also burn more calories on the elliptical because there's more resistance! It depends what level you set the machine at.
  • Asavitzk
    Are you taking breaks on the elliptical as well? If you're lowering the intensity every couple of minutes on the treadmill but not doing the same on the elliptical that would partially explain it. The other thing to keep in mind is how much more you're working your upper body on the elliptical than when you're on the treadmill. I assume you were keeping your arms bent and swinging them as you ran but if not that would lower the number of calories burned and regardless, the push-pull you have to do on the elliptical just can't be reproduced on the treadmill.

    Also, what was your incline on the treadmill? You tend to burn more with a lower pace and higher incline than vice versa.

    All that said, in general you will burn more on the elliptical but mixing it up is never a bad thing. I alternate between the two (often I do one for 15 minutes, then my strength circuit, then the other for 15) to minimize boredom and keep my muscles from becoming too used to just one motion.

    But regardless, cardio is cardio and that's hardly a bad thing!
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I would do both. I like to switch up my workouts because you use different muscles doing different things. And it does not get boring that way.

    I use to smoke too. When i quit i started doing just like you are, little elliptical, little treadmill. I would just up my workouts a little at a time.

    On the treadmill i did 2 min walking/2 minutes running. I did that for a while then went to the fat loss workout on my treadmill which is 2 minutes walking/2 minutes running but the running is up hill. Way harder.

    After doing that for a bit i tried running with no walking and i could do it, it didn't seem hard at all. I think because i was running up hill on the fat loss workouts it didn't seem too bad.

    Now i run 2 to 3 days a week and i look forward to it. According to my equipment i don't burn that much running but i sweat way more and i feel it is the best workout i do. I don't worry about the numbers too much.

    Quit smoking. You will be so glad you did and you will be amazed at what you can do!
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    you may also burn more calories on the elliptical because there's more resistance! It depends what level you set the machine at.

    strong this^
    it all depends how strong are your legs.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    So I generally hate any form of running- mostly becuase I'm just out of shape to the point where I can't run consistantly for more than a couple minutes before I have to slow down to a walk to catch my breath. Usually, because of that, I stick to the elliptical while at the gym and can generally burn around 10 calories / minute so I get to about 550-600 calories for an hour at the gym.

    Yesterday I was feeling motivated and stepped on the treadmill - I walked for 10 minutes to warm up and then proceeded to run 2 minutes, walk 2 minutes and towards the end of the jog I was going run 2 minutes, walk 1-1.5 minutes. This was at the speed of 3.0 walk and 5.0 jog.

    I KNOW it's slow- please don't tell me to run faster. I'm trying to quit smoking so my lungs are exactly in great shape right now anyways.

    What I want to know is why I burned less calories/hr while I was jogging (according to the treadmil) than I ever did on the elliptical. My calfs and theigh muscles are so sore right now and I've never been the day after a go on the elliptical.

    I'm not sure whether I should be keeping at the treadmill in order to become a better runner and because it may get me in better shape in the long run? (and potentially completing a 5k this summer!) or if I should just stick to the elliptical because I burn more calories.

    If you smoke, quitting is the most important thing you can do for your health. WAY more important than running vs elliptical, even more importnat than losing weight. WHatever keeps you motivated to do that without gaining weight--do that. Once you've been quit for a while you can worry about which exercise is better for your health.

    I quit 7 years ago.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Far from expert but in general on an elliptical you also use your arms, unless you really get them pumping while you run this could be a possibility
  • hope25
    hope25 Posts: 188 Member
    I would alternate the two. Do the elliptical one visit and the treadmill the next.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I would alternate the two. Do the elliptical one visit and the treadmill the next.

    Changing things up is best. Don't stick to one form of exercise. Alternate between the 2 and jump on the bike and stair climber too if you have access to them. Vary your speed and resistance; don't always do the same thing every time
  • ncavers33
    ncavers33 Posts: 3 Member
    How do you pace yourself on a treadmill for distance?? I can't get it figured out. I'm training for a marathon. Running outside for distance is cool but how do I bring that inside... I'm currently doing incline 1.5, 1 min walk (3.3) 2 min jog (5.5)
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    The reason your muscles hurt more on the treadmill is because it is higher impact than the elliptical. On the treadmill your feet pound down, where the elliptical you are gliding really. You tend to burn more calories on the elliptical because you don't have to work as hard to move quickly and it allows you to work out at a higher intensity. The higher the intensity the more calories burned.

    Should you do both? That's up to you. I have been told by PT that it is good to change your cardio up so you and your muscles don't bored.\
  • adwjaw
    My problem is the exact opposite. I can be on my home elliptical and will be sweating a lot any only burn like a 20oz soda.
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    It has to do with heart rate and consistancy.
    I burn less on the treadmill because I can't maintain a good heart rate. Jogging bumps my heart rate up so high that I can't maintain it long, but walking doesn't burn as many for me as another machine. On the elliptical I can go at a more intense level longer and keep my heart rate where I want it the entire work out because it doesn't hurt my knees and other joints. On the elliptical I burn about 12cal a minute. On the treadmill while jogging I can jump to about 15 a min but only for 5-10 minutes. Then I drop down to 8-10 cal a min so overall I usually end up burning less. I'm starting to be able to even it out though. Soon I'll be able to interchange them.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I burn less on the treadmill than the elliptical too (I've used the machine's numbers as well as an HRM), but I do both to keep things mixed up.

    Good luck with quitting smoking. As you see an improvement in lung function, you'll see a big improvement in your ability to run...hang in there!

    Edited to add...make sure you're stretching properly (and long enough) when you run on the treadmill. The impact of that workout is different than the elliptical and this might help with your soreness. Keep at both machines, and if you're planning to do a 5K, try to work in some actual outdoor running as your abilities improve (there's a big difference between treadmill and pavement)!
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    One reason you may be sore is it's a whole different set of muscles. Try going some distance on a bike at your gym and you'll probably feel a whole new set of muscles burn. This is part of why it's good to mix up your exercise and not just do one thing. Your body gets used to that and adjusts for it. This is part of the theory in crossfit and many other exercise programs where they are always doing different workouts to get the maximum bang for your buck..