Frustrated :(



  • smsinger75
    smsinger75 Posts: 253 Member
    I understand the frustration. I lost 10 lbs fairly quickly. Then got stuck at that point for about 2 months. I just now started losing weight again. I wanted to throw my hands up and quit several times. I am glad I didn't. I think my body just had to adjust to my new lifestyle. Hang in there!!!
  • LibLiu82
    I feel ya! I should be nearing my 10 pound mark but I am at barely 4 and it seems like each time I loose a pound, the next day it is right back on. My clothes started feeling a little looser the first couple weeks, but I haven't noticed any changes since then. Thyroid problems run in my family, so I may have to go and get it checked again. I have suspected that it has been not working for years because I have almost all the symptoms, but they just can't seem to catch it misbehaving. It's like taking your car to the mechanic because it's been acting funny for weeks and as soon as you get there it runs fine lol. I also use Mirena, don't know if that could be a possible cause too. Perhaps it's also time to tell hubs to get the snip lol.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Looked at your diary and noticed a lot of processed foods and you sodium is often high. I would suggest trying to eat more fresh foods, especially fruits and veggies. Try to reduce processed and and fast foods. What you eat does matter not just the calories.

    This is what I thought may be retaining fluid because of high sodium. Cut the sodium without increasing calories as some have suggested and see if you lose.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm right there with you. My weight has been bouncing between 255 and 260 since the middle of November. At first I thought maybe it was because I had been skipping workouts and some of my old eating habits were starting to creep back in, but I've really been cracking down and busting my hump since New Year's. I weighed myself yesterday....still 260lbs. :angry::grumble: :mad: :explode: :sad: I usually am able to console myself by taking measurements and looking at the difference there, but I'm fairly certain that hasn't changed much because my clothes really aren't any bigger on me than they were before. I did have some labs drawn the other day for my upcoming physical. One of the things I asked the doctor to check was my thyroid function since I've had problems with that before, and I've noticed a marked decline in my energy level in the last few months. I'm hoping that's the problem and she can put me on meds for it. I'll find out on March 7th. Keep your fingers crossed, ya'll. Oh my goodness! Did really I just type "ya'll"?! I've been in the south waaaay too long. LOL :tongue:
  • slim422
    slim422 Posts: 104 Member
    It is frustrating but don't give up - there can be a number of things that cause slow/no loss and you can figure it out and change it.

    After a brief look at your diary here's a couple of things to think about. Watch your sodium intake, I speak on this one from experience. In fact, you could have lost 1 1 1/2 lbs but if your sodium intake is to high you'll also be retaining water. I'll give you an example.

    Since Jan 9th I was consistently losing each week 1.6 to 3 lbs -every week. I eat pretty healthy and even go over my calories once a week on average. Even my exercise varied, some weeks really great 5-6 times and in the past 2 weeks not as consistent. Last weigh in I gained 2lbs (argh); however when I went back and really looked at my previous week I had 2 meals within 72 hours of weigh in that were high in sodium so could be water.

    Also, make sure you drink your water everyday - take your weight, divide in half and that's how many ounces - every day no matter what. There is a ton of evidence in the health literature about how important this is over time to losing weight.

    Play around with your calories over the course of 1-2 weeks but only changing about 200 at a time.

    Make changes slowly and not everything at once so you can figure out what will work for you.

    Finally, be honest about the 'whites' and ANY processed foods (including artificial sweeteners) even if you are still below or at your calories. White bread, rice, pasta etc etc - you already know this. Personally, I don't endorse really low carb diets for most people and I know for some in particular circumstances it works great; however, if you are eating to many of your daily carbs from less than ideal sources it can really slow down your weight loss.

    More than anything use your friends here and in your life to help motivate you to find your success. It's is so disheartening and hard to stay on track but you can do this!! Good for you being honest about the struggle and reaching out for advice, you'll get a ton of good ideas from the MFP community.

    Hope this helps.
  • synchorswim
    synchorswim Posts: 19 Member
    OH wow... I am with you all!!!! I feel stunted... not losing weight is really starting to depress me.

    I have been doing a spike day too (so depressed today I went and got McDonalds.. I know I know.. bad me! guess today is my spike day)
    and nothing seems to help I am going to check the thyroid thing out... I am willing try about anything... Apple Cider Vinegar... Extra Virgin Coconut oil... anything...

    I drink tons of water and really like that vitamin water Zero.... makes me feel like i am cheating, but I am not!


    I teach 45 min sessions water aerobics 4x/wk, aqua yoga2x/wk, and run 3x/week no less than 30 min, strength training 2x/wk (alt arms & legs), wii zumba or dance on weekends...

    am I just doing too much??????????
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    I've been on MFP since October. With holidays and our anniversary trip in December my weight was yucky. I got really serious about it in January when I joined the gym. I weight train as well as take Zumba and Turbo Kick classes. I'm doing a 90 day challenge at the moment. I will say that the 6 lbs that I show to have lost was lost the first month. I know that's not bad but I am weighing in again on Monday which will be 2 weeks since my last weigh in and I seem to be UP! I just can't seem to break the 170 lb mark. Always stalls out around this weight. I haven't seen a doctor. I don't think my thyroid is an issue. At least it never has been before. I'm not giving up. Just really frustrated. Something has GOT to give.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I've been on MFP since October. With holidays and our anniversary trip in December my weight was yucky. I got really serious about it in January when I joined the gym. I weight train as well as take Zumba and Turbo Kick classes. I'm doing a 90 day challenge at the moment. I will say that the 6 lbs that I show to have lost was lost the first month. I know that's not bad but I am weighing in again on Monday which will be 2 weeks since my last weigh in and I seem to be UP! I just can't seem to break the 170 lb mark. Always stalls out around this weight. I haven't seen a doctor. I don't think my thyroid is an issue. At least it never has been before. I'm not giving up. Just really frustrated. Something has GOT to give.

    With all that exercise, you will need to be eating back some if not most of those exercise calories.
  • lmd172
    lmd172 Posts: 172
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    Thank you all. It is really hard for me to wrap my head around eating my excercise calories. I know I should. It's a mental thing I think. I know many of you mentioned the processed food thing. Believe me if I could get away with it I wouldn't eat so much of it. But the truth of the matter is, I have 2 twin 4 year olds that I have to take to daycare everyday (not sat & sun), work from 8-5 M-F, pick them up, get to the gym and I don't make it home till almost 8 pm every night. My job is way out and there are no places to eat so the frozen meals are about all I can do for lunches. And I try to cook dinner but then we are eating late and I have to make something fairly fast so that the girls can get their baths and do it all again the next day. I hardly have time to even clean my house or do laundry. And THAT is driving me crazy. lol I am not just a wonderful cook anyway. So trying to figure out how to prepare fresh foods and use the appropriate spices completely lose me. I don't drink a lot of sodas (if I have one its a diet coke). I drink water or unsweetend tea or Green tea all day long.

    I think I'm gonna change my goals back to 1 lb a week and put in there that I'm not doing any exercises. Then when I log my exercise, it will be a true calorie count. I think that MFP already taking my exercise into account and then me logging it is actually double doing it. That may be a problem in itself. IDK. I will def try to eat more. I just know that when I do, I WILL gian weight and I'm scared.

    Here is kinda what I do at the gym if anyone is interested. And yes I log it too.

    Monday - Weight Train - Chest and Biceps; Zumba (1hr)
    Tuesday - Weight Train - Legs and Shoulders; Zumba (1hr) - I don't always make this class cuz it starts earlier than the others
    Wednesday - Weight Train - Back and Triceps; Turbo Kick (1hr)
    Thursday - Weight Train - Mixture; Zumba (30min)
    Friday - Weight Tran - Mixture; Cardiobox (30min) make this class about every other week
    Saturday - If I go I do a mixture of Weight Training
    Sunday - Do not go

    There are weeks that I don't do ALL of this. I really didn't think it was a lot but I guess maybe it is. lol
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    Thank you