When you lose momentum

I have been going at this for a little over a month now, I lost around 9 lbs and you can see a difference. My issue with weight loss, it once I start to see progress, I tend to stop. Does anyone else have this issue? How do/did you get past it?!


  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    why would u want to stop when ur seeing progress? ud think it would be other way around that ud get demotivated if you dont see results for a long time!
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    why would u want to stop when ur seeing progress? ud think it would be other way around that ud get demotivated if you dont see results for a long time!

    Because it's like, "OH! I look good again... Ok, that's enough" and I stop. I don't know why I do it, I just do. I want to change it though
  • i feel the same way...eurodriver is right though. i don't know the solution or how to break free from this habit, but if you find out let me know! :tongue:
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    bump, I know I'm not the only one that has this problem... right?
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    well i guess everyone looks at it different.. for me im always hungry for more! n i change my goals every 3-6months from cutting to bulking to make sure i constantly see results this way im motivated...

    even so i go through periods where i feel like ahhh whats the point... or ill think to myself.. oh im tired.. ill just stay home tday n go extra day this week... but its just our stupid brain that does that....... then i get this little feeling inside n i get dressed pack my gym bag... drive over to the gym... n have one of the best workouts ive had a while! the only way to break through it is just suck it up do what you have to do and keep pushing!! i promise that feeling will go away after about a month!

    also try to set yourself goals! either a picture of what you want to look like, or weight and bodyfat%, or how long u can run on a treadmill, or how much you can lift.. just any goal so you can challange urself
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    well i guess everyone looks at it different.. for me im always hungry for more! n i change my goals every 3-6months from cutting to bulking to make sure i constantly see results this way im motivated...

    even so i go through periods where i feel like ahhh whats the point... or ill think to myself.. oh im tired.. ill just stay home tday n go extra day this week... but its just our stupid brain that does that....... then i get this little feeling inside n i get dressed pack my gym bag... drive over to the gym... n have one of the best workouts ive had a while! the only way to break through it is just suck it up do what you have to do and keep pushing!! i promise that feeling will go away after about a month!

    also try to set yourself goals! either a picture of what you want to look like, or weight and bodyfat%, or how long u can run on a treadmill, or how much you can lift.. just any goal so you can challange urself

    Mind of matter pretty much. And thanks. The picture in my ticker is where I want to get back to.
  • cekeys
    cekeys Posts: 397 Member
    Personally, on my bathroom mirror that I see every day I write my goal weight & my weekly weigh ins. It keeps me motivated that I see progress & that my goal is on the horizon.
  • You have to find things that inspire/motivate you. I've been finding fitness blogs that I really like, watching clips from 300 (weird, yes, but if it doesn't make you wanna be fit then what will?!), subscribe to a fitness magazine, do whatever keeps you going even if it means covering your home in sticky notes that say "You've come this far, keep going".
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    Personally, on my bathroom mirror that I see every day I write my goal weight & my weekly weigh ins. It keeps me motivated that I see progress & that my goal is on the horizon.

    This, and I mark on my calendar every time I workout. When I want to be lazy, I look at it and go...nope! Time to strap on the gear!

    And also looking at EuroDriver's profile pic. I'm sorry, but *damn*.