I Quit

smoking 16 days ago and my weight is up 6 pounds, Help I want to quit MFP too I am very discourage!
Will I keep gaining now that I quit smoking? Should I lower my calories?


  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    I don't have any advice on how to manage your food intake in this situation, but what a wonderful decision you've made! My husband was a smoker for over 40 years, and after several failed attempts, finally quit about 16 yrs ago. As one of your mfp friends, know that I'm behind you all the way!
  • ladyluly
    It is AWESOME that you have decided to quit smoking. Keep it up, nicotine is one of those drugs that you have to just quit "cold turkey" which means you need to stay AWAY! One of the negative effects of quitting any vice (particularly smoking) is weight gain. BUT the gain WILL stop so don't be discouraged! Just keep on going, what you're going through is normal and it will get better in a short while. Don't give up on your fitness/weight loss goals, just consider this a small obstacle that you will overcome and once you do, weight loss will be much easier due to the better functioning of your entire body! Hang in there and don't forget you have all our support!
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    I did too im only on day 3 right now and havent gained yet. but i do recall from doing this before it is easy to gain when you quit. I imagine part of it is water from all that restriction of your vessels that you do when smoking and some of it is prob what your eating to replace it. I would go down in calories but try and eat more food like veg & fruit. Keep your mouth busy :-) sugar free gum helps too
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    you need MFP more now than before! Don't quit! You've probably accidently replaced the oralhabit of smoking with the oral habit of eating, replacing one habit with an equally as negative one. Really stop and think before you eat anything and ask yourself "am I hungry or am I haveing a craving" or even "is this out of habit". When you "usually" would smoke trying purposely doing something in it's place. When I stopped I really missed my smoke after dinner. I replaced it with brushing my teeth! I didn't gain weight from it, it took my mind of my smoke, my mouth felt fresh and I continued on!
  • ssforcey
    ssforcey Posts: 92 Member
    Try the patch if you can.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Hmmm...I haven't smoked since Jan 3 and I've been off the patch for a few weeks now and I haven't gained an ounce. I'm not trying to gloat...but I wonder if you're eating more and not realizing it.

    I realize every "body" is different but I don't subscribe to the "you MUST gain weight when you quit" theory.

    Very carefully watch/track you food, sodium, water. Keep active..you can do it. Even if you DO gain a little it's not as harmful as smoking. Keep at it and good luck!!
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    First of all congrats on making such an awesome decision of quitting smoking. With that being said I think we all know its not the lack of nicotine making you gain weight if not the extra food you are eating. So lowering your caloric intake but still eating more will not make a difference. You need to learn how to battle that replacement of one habit with another, which is hard but I think you can do it. Have you thought about the smokeless cigarettes? (not sure what they are called) Good luck
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Don't quit hun, I gave up smoking 7 weeks ago tomorrow, and started MFP at the same time. It's HARD!! But I am you, just a few weeks ahead :)

    So stick to it, I promise you will be so proud of yourself. Battle through it, you really can do this

  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    congrats on the no more smoking thing!

    dont quit mfp though.
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    i quit smoking a week ago cold turkey dont believe in all the quitting aids as then have to quit them and all i want to do now is eat eat eat!! i havent gained i dont know will find out on sunday eek!
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    I quit in October and gained 15, but it was worth it. I read something at the time that said something like you'd have to gain 100 lbs. to equal the damage that continuing to smoke would do to your body. I'm sure that's not scientific, but you get the idea. So I gained 15 lbs., started my weight loss plan on January 1, and I've lost 12 of it. Just hang in there, appreciate the improving lung function and increased energy levels. Don't beat yourself up for putting on a few lbs. A year from now you'll be smoke free, in better shape, and you'll have save a ton of money that you would have spent on smokes.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Quitting smoking is a huge thing. That is incredibly amazing! Stick with it... By quitting smoking you'll find a huge difference in your physical fitness going forward!

    1. What I would do is just keep yourself very busy. Every time you want a cigarette jog on the spot or do some squats... A friend of mine did push-ups every time he craved a cigarette. Exercise will minimize your cravings for both cigs and food....

    2. If you have a time of the day where you normally crave them then ensure that during these times you have an activity planned....go for a coffee break, call a friend, take the dog for a walk, join a fitness class, take up a new sport, etc.

    3. Keep your hands busy too! Take up knitting/crocheting, colour, paint your nails, etc. By taking up a new hobby you can quit your old habit.

    4. Always pre-pack healthy snacks. I do this during hte week... Every Sunday I cut up all my veggies and individually pack servings that I can bring with me to work. I tend to be a big snacker...and I know ppl that quit smoking tend to go straight for the food too.....so when you get the urge to smoke or eat....snack on veggies!! Celery, carrots, peppers, etc.

    5. Gum! Candy! Mints! Suckers! Keep these around. You can buy sugar free ones...

    And remember....drink lots of water! Every time that craving hits chug some water.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    You didn't gain weight because you stopped smoking. You gained weight because you stopped smoking and then started eating more! Be diligent about weighing and logging your food and staying within your calorie goals.
  • FitSid
    FitSid Posts: 117 Member
    personal experience:

    I quit smoking over the course of about a year.
    I gained about 10 kg.
    This sounds discouraging, but oh my gosh if only you knew how much better I felt.
    It's about being healthier as a whole for me, not just "being slim".

    best of luck:flowerforyou:
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    MY suggestion is to stay on MFP, but don't worry so much about going over your goals. I think eating more is the lessor of two evils.

    I went cold turkey. I started running too. Physical activity helped a lot with taking my mind off smoking.
  • MissAlexxMarie
    I quit smoking and I gained a whole lot of weight. Before you'd light a cigarette when you were bored, stressed, etc. and now you eat. That's just how it goes. Instead of snacking on the unhealthy stuff get some fruit handy or even vegetables. Make a salad, have it ready in your fridge just for those times. Know what your weakness is and stay away from it! Good luck and do watch the calories...but your main concern might just be the fat and the saturated fat in your food!Keep an eye out :)

    Apples are filling, bananas are as well...which is what you might want to lean towards when you're feeling a snack urge come on.
  • FitSid
    FitSid Posts: 117 Member
    I also chew a ****load of gum haha
  • sarvissa
    sarvissa Posts: 70 Member
    You will need to work out harder until your metabolism settles back to normal. I quit smoking nearly 2 years ago... right off the bat I gained a few pounds so I worked out harder. I either jogged or went to the gym every day and kept the weight gain at bay. Unfortunately, about 8 months after I quit smoking, I herniated a disc in my back and all exercise ceased. Within just a couple months I gained 50lbs, which I'm now struggling to lose. So work out extra hard, get your metabolism boosted, and keep going. And congratz for quitting! It really does get easier after time.
  • sweetbeckymarie
    When my grandfather stopped smoking he replaced cigarettes with sugar free lollipops. It helps that oral fixation without adding a ton of calories from replacing it with eating when you have cravings.
  • namina13
    namina13 Posts: 16 Member
    I just read this today, actually... it's a very lighthearted article with lots of dry humor about quitting smoking, but I think there are definitely some things in here you will identify with and will help you see that you are not alone. I hope you enjoy it and I hope it helps!
