Trying to shake the idea of eating carbs!



  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    OK so the whole idea of dieting is warped in my mind because I have done the yo-yo with no carbs the past couple of years. I do great on no carbs and loose weight fast however, when I go back to carbs I gain double the weight. So it has been hard for me to believe that with in reasonable portions I am aloud to eat carbs! I also like to try and avoid sugars unless they are natural from my fruit. Any one else struggle with this?

    How about you learn to eat a balanced diet that contains the carbs that you obviously enjoy, lose a little slower and get off the yo-yo?

    Just a suggestion :flowerforyou:

    No offense but why? Food, nutrition, macros are tools to be manipulated like a workout. If someone wants to jump start fat loss by using a ketogenic diet why not?

    Because the OP said that this "jump start" leads to gaining it all back. It's not working for her, clearly.
  • Lindz2323
    Lindz2323 Posts: 261 Member
    Saving to read later!
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    OK so the whole idea of dieting is warped in my mind because I have done the yo-yo with no carbs the past couple of years. I do great on no carbs and loose weight fast however, when I go back to carbs I gain double the weight. So it has been hard for me to believe that with in reasonable portions I am aloud to eat carbs! I also like to try and avoid sugars unless they are natural from my fruit. Any one else struggle with this?

    How about you learn to eat a balanced diet that contains the carbs that you obviously enjoy, lose a little slower and get off the yo-yo?

    Just a suggestion :flowerforyou:

    No offense but why? Food, nutrition, macros are tools to be manipulated like a workout. If someone wants to jump start fat loss by using a ketogenic diet why not?
    The reason why is because, people act like carbs originated from the gates of hell. Carbs are just as important as protein and fat. In order to achieve proper balance you need a combination of all three IMHO.

    You have to earn your carbs, when you train eat more, when you don't eat less.

    Problem solved.
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    OK so the whole idea of dieting is warped in my mind because I have done the yo-yo with no carbs the past couple of years. I do great on no carbs and loose weight fast however, when I go back to carbs I gain double the weight. So it has been hard for me to believe that with in reasonable portions I am aloud to eat carbs! I also like to try and avoid sugars unless they are natural from my fruit. Any one else struggle with this?

    How about you learn to eat a balanced diet that contains the carbs that you obviously enjoy, lose a little slower and get off the yo-yo?

    Just a suggestion :flowerforyou:

    No offense but why? Food, nutrition, macros are tools to be manipulated like a workout. If someone wants to jump start fat loss by using a ketogenic diet why not?
    The reason why is because, people act like carbs originated from the gates of hell. Carbs are just as important as protein and fat. In order to achieve proper balance you need a combination of all three IMHO.

    You have to earn your carbs, when you train eat more, when you don't eat less.

    Problem solved.

    They're not from the gates of hell. Yes a lot of people treat them that way. Thank people like Dr. Atkins and the media for that. And yes they are just as important as protein and fat, but all 3 can be manipulated to get the results you desire. It's like you have to be in one camp one or the other on this board. It's weird. Republican v Democrat, Carb v No Carb.
  • zb357
    zb357 Posts: 9
    Hi, I have just started to follow this way of eating after a low calorie diet did NOTHING for me. I was eating between 1200-1400 cals. a day....and yo yo'd for the first month (Jan.2012) between losing only 2-3 lbs. Then I read an article that said some folks are just Carb sensitive...I guess that's me because this past week I've tried to eliminate as many carbs as possible up'd my protein significantly an am following a very, very modified version of Atkins. NOT as strict, yet am down to about 30-6o net gms. (after subtrating fiber gms.) from the carbs , per day...IT IS WORKING NOW! I've lost 3 lbs. this week.. I do miss bread and potatoes, but cereal the most.. I'm sure I'll get used to this tho' as I'm not even hungry anymore! I have another 30+ to go, but am just excited and hope this continues to work for me! Thanks for listening.
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    You need to eat complex catbs, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains... complex carbs are slow dissolving and help regulate blood sugar and prevent insulin spikes. Carbohydrates is what also gives your body the energy to function every day, helps your brain, and also helps break down fats and helps bring protein into the muscle. All of the macronutrients work together in a system, with not enough of one it throws everything out of wack, and too much of another is just as bad. You just have to stay away from Simple carbs, no soda's, no pizza, no packaged foods, no sweets, etc.... Things high in fiber are the way to go, Oatmeal is one of the best whole grain complex carbs you can eat. When you don't hardly eat any carbs all you are losing is lean muscle mass, you are not losing fat mass, that is why you have the weight gain when you start eating them again. Low carbs is only temporary weight loss, if you want long term weight loss you have to eat at least 45% complex carbs. I use to be high protein low carbs and it took forever to get in shape, when I switched to fruits, veggies, and whole grains as well as protein and healthy fats it didn't take long at all to become a lean machine. I am at 6.1% body fat now.

    This makes sense if you are going to have a lifetime of regular rigorous exercise, which is probably why you think it makes sense in your ("it didn't long at all to become a lean machine") perspective. If you cut your workouts down you will encounter problems trying to balance protein intake for muscle maintenance with a carb-heavy diet and avoiding fat gains. Lots of these people are more interested in staying skinny than being ripped and will have such problems once they reach their ideal weight and try to balance their diet with a lesser exercise schedule.
  • zb357
    zb357 Posts: 9
    In reference to the low carb diet plan and my previous posting...I have now lost much more weight in the past two weeks than I did the whole month of January. BUT it is not a NO carb diet, I specifically chose foods that are lower in carbs...some fruits and vegs. are much higher than others. I COULD NEVER stand not to eat carbs again, but I am much wiser in the carbs I chose to eat. Fresh salads, green veggies, beans, berries, apples, cantaloupe, small servings of whole wheat pasta,and low fat dairy versus my old diet of potatoes, bread, muffins, 'white' pasta, and cereals. I have even found thru internet reading that with the fruit and veg. group there is a vast difference in carb content. So I do think you have to have some carbs, simply to assist in digestion, to maintain vitamin levels, to assist in elimination. But for someone who before only ate perhaps 4-6 ozs of meat or protein a day I WAS always hungry. So this new limited carb diet which has increased my protein consumption to some at every meal , keeps me satisfied all day.
    Yes for the past two weeks I did limit my NET carbs (gms minus fiber) to between 30-60 but am going to slowly increase this until I can find a point where I am still able to lose weight. Great input by all of you... :)
  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    Carbs are essential. No carb - high protein diets work simply because our bodies can use only so much protein. Even when body building. The rest is not stored. It is literally flushed down the toilet.

    Not only does this put your body in a toxic state, but it also thinks it's starving - which launches "storage mode."

    So of course you gain back more than you've lost.

    Eat good carbs. Fresh fruit and veggies, whole grains. And eat them multiple times a day. Whole grains like quinoa are also an excellent source of protein.

    Our bodies are simple machines. They understand Feast or Famine. If you convince your body it is having a feast - by eating many smaller meals through out the day, you will drop the pounds faster.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Carbs are essential. No carb - high protein diets work simply because our bodies can use only so much protein. Even when body building. The rest is not stored. It is literally flushed down the toilet.
    This is not true. Protein is stored, it's converted to glucose using gluconeogenesis, then stored as either glycogen or as fat (glycerol.) It's just not stored as protein, or able to be used as protein, but it isn't just "flushed away."
  • stacyll
    stacyll Posts: 43 Member
    for me trying to avoid wheat and trying to eat more vegetarian (seafood is still in my diet) is a challenge. i'm having to get more creative but as stated in this thread you can't go wrong with veggies and fruit for carbs.
  • danimarie1782
    danimarie1782 Posts: 25 Member
    Carbohydrates are found in many foods including beans, fruits, vegetables, and even dairy. The base of carbohydrates is glucose which is essential for brain functioning - brains don't run on protein or fat - they run on glucose (more specifically ATP the energy molecule). This being said you can eat a diet that has no bread, pasta, rice, etc and lose weight, but if you are exercising this may be a challenge as your body needs more energy (ATP) to sustain activity. Exercise has so many other benefits that it is worth eating the carbs so you can sleep better, reduce stress, reduce chronic illness and even burn more calories when you are at rest. Eat brown rice, whole wheat bread and pasta that are more stable as they won't cause the blood sugar spikes and crashes like the white versions (which make you hungry).