Any practical jokes gone wrong?

xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member

I just had a random thought back to when i first started working and me and a friend played a joke on someone which went horribly wrong!

So four years ago i was 18 and in my first job we were all at risk of redundancy and there was this one woman always going on about it and joking and hoping she would get made redundant etc so me and a colleague made a fake letter and posted it to her internally - trouble is my friends took it a bit too far and made it look really professional and even signed it by the company director!! (her job was to print all the customer letters so she had all the proper letter heads and envelopes!)

Anyway we sat and watched, as she opened it we went to shout ONLY JOKING but it was too late she started crying! omgggg i felt soooooooooooo bad and she wouldnt talk to us and threatened to report my friend for forging the managers signature.

We made it up by going to her house that night and getting her some chocolates and flowers - mainly out of fear!! Spose the karma was that i got made redundant haha (but worked out well for me in the long run)

So MY QUESTION IS tell me your practical jokes gone wrong - what where the consequences - did you feel bad?

I sure as hell learnt my lesson! P.S we still meet up even now 4 years after so it didnt affect our friendship haha.