New here, doing this by myself and would love some support b

Hey I'm Steph ! I'm a single mom and I'm trying to lose the post pregnancy weight Overweight after bearing him 4 children then I get cheated on, recently divorced, recently unemployed, huge falling out with my family ( I am completely estranged from my parents) and the death of my daughter. I've been through alot of confidence shaking things soooo.... Yeah I'm doing this for ME !!!
I have a few tats and piercings. I love art and self expression and I view these as ways to further that.
I love my boys dearly and they are my life. they keep me getting up every morning.
One good thing that has come my way recently is my new boyfriend. He is much younger than I am and yet in some ways a very old soul :) He is gorgeous and amazing and makes me feel like I am too. He loves me just how I am but I want to be better for him as much as i do for me. I love him dearly but he is away for work til July. Its hard.
I havent always been overweight. I used to be extremely fit and an extremely healthy eater. I was a fitness instructor at a local gym for a while. I want so desperately to get back into that lifestyle. I want to lose 47 pounds and be fit strong and firm again. Although at 31 I'm wondering if Im past the firm part lol. I will confess as badly as I want to lose this weight I'm terrified I'll lose my boobs which I never had before and I now that i do I LOVE them.
Anyway... I'm doing this all by myself. I've recently relocated I have no local friends or support. SO i'd love to join any groups of like minded people or find some friends and support on here. Add me !


  • njblemaster
    Best of luck to you as you navigate through life to find a better place for you emotionally and physically.
  • keilasdaddy
    Sorry to hear all you have been through, but glad you found someone along the way to walk through life together with in the long run! Feel free to add me if you would like, I plan to take this weight loss thing on head first and will do all I can to support others along the struggle!!!
  • awallin1986
    I feel that we are kindred spirits in a way (Except for the kids and being actually "fit). I have been through similar things. You're right, it really does take a toll on you. I'd love to help support you on your journey!