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Have you had a root canal?



  • ha ha this is so apt for me as tomorrow at 1.30 I am due to have root canals on 2 of my teeth, and then have crowns fitted.

    I had to have a root canal last July as well on a tooth that literally snapped off.....It was completely painless, so I am not concerned about having it done again tomorrow...Once the root is removed they put a really thin piece of what looks like plastic down into the cavity, and then the crown gets fitted over the top..

    I am assuming that as your dentist is doing this he/she has already done something to clear the infection up, hence the wait time before the proceedure...

    I hate the dentist, but it is fair to say that having adopted the attitude that you have to have it done or have no teeth - I have found that my dentist stress levels have been much better...Remember to concentrate on breathing evenly and keeping your mouth as wide open as you can comfortably manage...the more relaxed you are the quicker it will all be over....

    Will let you know how i go on tomorrow if you like - it may help

    Lou :-)
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I've had a number of them done and found it not much different than getting a regular filling.
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    call your primary care dr, tell them you are having a root canal and are terrified. The will give you something for anxiety (make sure to have a driver!)
    Thats what I did... cuz Im terrified of keeping my mouth open for an hour! It worked like a charm!
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Had one recently, rear top molar, and they couldn't get the first root numb completely. Even then, it wasn't THAT bad. Just pinchy. The rest were smooth and easy.

    The closer to the front of the mouth, the easier, I hear.

    I did get a crown.

    Dentist gave me Xanax. I had a lot of anxiety over it. It helped.

    I'm glad I brought my ipod to listen to. It took over 2 hours, but I do have exceptionally long roots.

    Also, don't be afraid to get a second opinion.
  • ha ha this is so apt for me as tomorrow at 1.30 I am due to have root canals on 2 of my teeth, and then have crowns fitted.

    I had to have a root canal last July as well on a tooth that literally snapped off.....It was completely painless, so I am not concerned about having it done again tomorrow...Once the root is removed they put a really thin piece of what looks like plastic down into the cavity, and then the crown gets fitted over the top..

    I am assuming that as your dentist is doing this he/she has already done something to clear the infection up, hence the wait time before the proceedure...

    I hate the dentist, but it is fair to say that having adopted the attitude that you have to have it done or have no teeth - I have found that my dentist stress levels have been much better...Remember to concentrate on breathing evenly and keeping your mouth as wide open as you can comfortably manage...the more relaxed you are the quicker it will all be over....

    Will let you know how i go on tomorrow if you like - it may help

    Lou :-)

    I would seriously consider waiting until you know your root filling is succesful before having a crown....if it is not then you have paid for a crown which will possibly then need to be extracted along with the tooth! Most dentists wait at least a month :-)
  • AdrienneKaren
    AdrienneKaren Posts: 168 Member
    I've had a lot. Three front teeth, a bicuspit (sp?), and a molar. The only time I ever really had was the bicuspit and that was only because I didn't get it crowned. When you don't get the crown, the tooth becomes weak and can break easily. I cracked mine...and now it's gone. If you can't calm down, follow the other people's advice and call your dentist or doctor for a tranquilizer. My mom gets valium every time she has work done on her teeth.
  • I had my first root canal a little over a year ago. I've always had a pretty high pain tolerance in my mouth (I started getting my fillings done with no numbing at about 12). Initially I went in to get two fillings done and I went ahead and let them numb me up. When he finished (it took a lot longer then he expected) my jaw was super sore and my dentist said that one of the fillings was very deep and it may end up needing a root canal. Two weeks later my jaw was still sore and the tooth still hurt. When I went in for the root canal he informed me that based on where the tooth was (last molar on the right side) he was going to have to do a palatal (spelling?) in order to numb me completely. That's where they inject the Novocain or whatever it is into the roof of your mouth. I can honestly say that it hurt like a b**ch, but it wasn't THAT bad. However I had to go in the next week for something, I can't remember now, and they had to numb me again including another palatal. I'm not sure if it was how he did it or if I was just anticipating it, but it hurt way worse. I teared up and started a cold sweat, and was basically miserable for the entire rest of the procedure. I went in two weeks later to get the permanent crown put on and I was so afraid that they were going to have to do another palatal that I almost didn't go. As soon as I sat down I asked about it and he said no. I confessed that if he had said yes I was planning on walking out and saying f**k you! Now the tooth is fine and all is well, but I would rather go through labor again with no drugs then get another palatal. I hope you don't have to get one and everything goes well. I wish you luck!
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    Honestly, my root canal was a piece of cake. It's really not a whole lot different than getting a filling, just takes a little longer... at least, that was my experience.

    The worst part of needing a root canal is when you get an abcessed tooth. WORST. PAIN. EVER. I had an abscessed tooth for over a week before I was finally correctly diagnosed and given antibiotics and the good pain meds. Just... relentless pain. Could not sleep without ice on my face, and would regularly wake up to swap out ice packs. Any pain I feel now is always compared to that one - and nothing has come CLOSE to measuring up. Hopefully nothing will ever again.

    If yours was infected, be glad your dentist caught it when he did. And yes, as someone else said - if your dentist doesn't have you on antibiotics for the infection, get that taken care of before the root canal. You'll be just fine!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I had a root canal with apicoectomy (glad I didn't google image search beforehand) on a lateral incisor about 11 years ago. No cap, no problems. My dentist is amazed at how well it's holding up.

    The only "bad" thing about the procedure was that I had to get about 13 shots of Novocaine. I normally don't bother with any for a normal filling. But with the tooth being right under my nose, the injections made me sniffle and sneeze, and then my nose started running and my eyes started tearing up. Then I noticed that "Jiggle Dogs" was playing on the radio. And I thought, "THIS is hell!" I'm being held hostage in a dentist's chair getting poked in the upper gums while dogs are barking a Christmas carol! So I started laughing and shaking. Which made the hygienist and dentist thing I was crying, which made me laugh harder, which made them think I was totally flipping out. And I couldn't get enough air to explain just what was do damn funny!
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    Make sure you are having the root canal done by an endodontist who is trained specially for that and does many of them. Not every endodontis wants you to have antibiotics before so check with the doctor who is going to do it. If you need the procedure it is because you have an abscessed tooth and it is not going to heal without the procedure. Get it done while you still have the insurance. Depending on which tooth is involved you will need a crown. Had 2 done on my lower front teeth with no crown but had to have a crown on my molar. Good luck.
  • My son got a root canal in 2006. He was 10. I never took him back in for the crown and eventually the temp filling came out and pieces of the tooth started breaking away. I finally had to have what was left of it pulled last year.

    I personally have had 3. My teeth suck.

    Good luck with it. You should be fine.
  • I had a root canal performed on me once; it was Medevial torture on Earth! I felt the injection, I felt him doing the work (the whole time), was put on antibiotics, only for it to go bad & it had to be extracted!
    I was recently told by my dentist (same one) that my lower left wisdom tooth needed a root canal; what did I do? Skip the root canal & have it extracted! :cry: :smile:
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    I had one done when I was younger, broke my front right tooth in half and the root was exposed. I can't really comment on the pain or anything as I had it done over a long period of time in tiny increments. I wish you the best of luck though!

    I broke my front tooth out in elementary school and had to have a root canal (don't try to "jump" speedbumps on a bike if you're not so graceful).
    Anyways, the tooth is just now (I'm 29) starting to get darker colored near the gumline and I will have to have a crown :( But it's best to get it done right away. You're going to have to have it done anyways so why not have it covered under the insurance!!
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    I've had 3 root canals, the last one was last year. I went to an endodontist, he was great, soft music, poster on the ceiling, he put a wedge in my mouth so I wouldn't have to hold it open, a plastic balloon like thing in my mouth so the stuff wouldn't go in my throat and tinted glasses so nothing would go in my eyes. The worst part was the novocaine injection in the roof of my mouth, (and the up front payment of $1500) after that it went fine. I took Xanax before I went 'cause I freak out.

    I got a crown, no big deal except the $.
  • It makes us people in UK realise how lucky we are to have an NHS...if you are lucky enough to have an NHS dentist. Even though private dentists dont charge as much as in US...dont know how they justify it...its daylight robbery...
  • monicalynne68
    monicalynne68 Posts: 87 Member
    Had one 3 days ago. They are expensive but if you can swing it, I'd go for it. Your mouth will thank you for it
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Maybe you should find a new dentist? It sounds a little bit like he caused the damage and then made you pay for a larger, more invasive and painful (not to mention expensive) procedure. That being said, my own dentist makes me watch these horrible videos before where they pretty much tell you no matter what goes on during procedure (even them breaking through the wall of your tooth with a file!) is not their fault and will result in additional fees.

    I've had several root canals. Hopefully I'm only on fillings now. I never went to the dentist as a child and have weak enamel. :(

    Am I not making you feel better, OP? With my vast experience in dentist chairs all over the country, I can tell you it is not painful during the procedure, not very painful after, and other than the outrageous cost, won't scar you for life. :)
  • deejay7806
    deejay7806 Posts: 165 Member
    It makes us people in UK realise how lucky we are to have an NHS...if you are lucky enough to have an NHS dentist. Even though private dentists dont charge as much as in US...dont know how they justify it...its daylight robbery...

    my thoughts exactly...... i had a root canal 3 days ago..... hate the dentist....but hate toothache even more...... but once had 2 injections....didnt feel a thing..... mouth was tender for a couple of days...but just where the injection went in...and the tenderness of the gums...but all fine now...but dont no if am goin 2 get a crown over it or not...still havin more treatment....n am very lucky i have a nhs dentist......
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    So I had a root canal about 6 mos ago on one of my molars. Stupidity in my youth...opening beer bottles with my teeth...thought I was so cool. Anyway, apparently that is the worst place to have it. Yes I was terrified & I put it off as long as I could. DON"T. When I had my wisdom teeth out, I had all 4 out at the same time. I puked for 2 days...still can't eat chicken noodle soup to this day & I was a Junior in HIGH SCHOOL. I am being totally honest with you. The worst part of it is having to keep your mouth open that long. I won't lie, it sucks, but it really wasn't that painful. I was sore, but it was my jaw b/c of holding my mouth open. They drill it out & then you come back in about a week to get a temporary crown. The worst part of that is making the mold for the permanent crown. Then, you get a permanent crown a few weeks later. It is much less worse than your imagination. Do it...the most painful part is paying for it. Good luck!!!
  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
    It makes us people in UK realise how lucky we are to have an NHS...if you are lucky enough to have an NHS dentist. Even though private dentists dont charge as much as in US...dont know how they justify it...its daylight robbery...

    No kidding! My root canal a few months ago at an NHS dentist cost £47 !!! SOOO happy to not have to worry about insurance.