Help I have fallen and can't get back...

on track that is.

My daughter was sick Thursday and Friday so i couldn't go to the gym, then I was busy on Saturday and now I just can't seem to get my big old butt to the gym.:grumble: To top it off i have been absolutely horrible about eating and going way over on my calories. :grumble: :grumble:

I need help getting re motivated, i can't seem to get out of this rut. Did i mention i was PMSing as well which of course does not help the situation.


  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    on track that is.

    My daughter was sick Thursday and Friday so i couldn't go to the gym, then I was busy on Saturday and now I just can't seem to get my big old butt to the gym.:grumble: To top it off i have been absolutely horrible about eating and going way over on my calories. :grumble: :grumble:

    I need help getting re motivated, i can't seem to get out of this rut. Did i mention i was PMSing as well which of course does not help the situation.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    So why arent you out taking a brisk walk right now? or after work if your at work..often that is the best way to get back on track...not to come across as mean just pushing you in the right direction :flowerforyou:
  • mbmempireranch
    Well having lost over 130 lbs.. trust me I had many many of those days... here is the most important thing.. dust yourself off, what's done is done and hop back on the horse ! You are doing awesome with a weight loss of 42 lbs ! Remember one day at a time.. one pound at a time ! I have total faith in you !! I see that you are PMS'ing... which adds a lot of those feelings in there too ! Even if you don't feel like doing a whole workout, go outside toss the ball with the kids, take the dog for a walk... When I feel like that I put my BeachBody DVD in and I tell myself.. 5 min... well then i'm just doing the whole workout ;)

    I have a great motivational CD that I got from Chalene Johnson of Beach Body, it actually came with her CE program ! If you want a copy I could always send you one ;)

    Hang in there ;) I'm pretty new here, but I've been A Beach Body Coach for years and I've lost over 130 lbs !!! 10 more just since being here on MFP !!!!!

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Just GO. You'll feel better after you do & you'll be right back on track. You've lost a considerable amount so far so you know how to do it! Just do it!

    p.s. Hope your daughter is beter now!
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    I am stuck at work right now, so i can't leave for a walk, not to mention it is raining and is freezing outside right now.

    For the last 3 days i have come home with every intention of going to the gym, and then I find myself coming up with some lame excuse of why i can't go. My knees hurt, or i need to spend the time with my daughter, i need to clean the house, etc.

    I need to get out of this funk, if i take more than one day off from the gym i have such a hard time getting back to it. Does anyone else have this problem?
  • spiedrahita
    So why arent you out taking a brisk walk right now? or after work if your at work..often that is the best way to get back on track...not to come across as mean just pushing you in the right direction :flowerforyou:

    I agree! A co-worker and I joined the "Biggest Loser" competition at work (more to that story :grumble: ) and weather permitting we go out and walk for 45 minutes on our lunch break together! It's a good way to vent out the stresses at work and get a nice work out in the middle of the day!

    "Biggest Loser" story is that I have 16 lbs I want to lose and I am getting a LOT of flack from other people who saw me going for our private weigh-in's last week. :explode: The co-worker I'm referring to probably has 20-25 lbs she wants to lose. Neither one of us is big by any means, but the competition is about percentage of weight loss, not pounds! I have kept my mouth shut so far when people make a big deal about it, but I don't understand why anyone cares. For me, it's about accountability for the weight loss. I'm doing it for me and I would like to be held to something so I can't slack!

    I wish people would just mind their own business but it's not going to happen! Anyway, sorry to get so far off topic! Best of luck on getting back on track!! :bigsmile:


    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    So why arent you out taking a brisk walk right now? or after work if your at work..often that is the best way to get back on track...not to come across as mean just pushing you in the right direction :flowerforyou:

    I agree! A co-worker and I joined the "Biggest Loser" competition at work (more to that story :grumble: ) and weather permitting we go out and walk for 45 minutes on our lunch break together! It's a good way to vent out the stresses at work and get a nice work out in the middle of the day!

    "Biggest Loser" story is that I have 16 lbs I want to lose and I am getting a LOT of flack from other people who saw me going for our private weigh-in's last week. :explode: The co-worker I'm referring to probably has 20-25 lbs she wants to lose. Neither one of us is big by any means, but the competition is about percentage of weight loss, not pounds! I have kept my mouth shut so far when people make a big deal about it, but I don't understand why anyone cares. For me, it's about accountability for the weight loss. I'm doing it for me and I would like to be held to something so I can't slack!

    I wish people would just mind their own business but it's not going to happen! Anyway, sorry to get so far off topic! Best of luck on getting back on track!! :bigsmile:


    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting

    We do this contest at work (We are in between right now) I am actually in charge of it and run the contests. You are right about people giving others flack who don't need to loose a lot, but i will tell you the last winner for us only wanted to loose a few pounds, but because he was so thin already he won because it is based on percentages. Don't give them any head and continue on, you just may win the contest.

    Thanks for all the help everyone, I am going to the gym no matter what tonight.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I think we've all had that problem. You just need to put one foot in front of the other & get that booty moving again!
  • swankgirl
    I am brand new here at MFP, but I can sympathize with your "funk". I gotta tell you though, best way to get out of it is to just make yourself go to the gym or go for that walk outside. You're right, it sucks to go out for a walk when it is cold, rainy and windy, but if you brave that weather, you'll be rewarded! Or if it comes to eating, avoid that food you know is wrecking your diet.

    I know that when I give in temptations or stay at home on my butt instead of going to the gym, I am filled with guilt and shame. But following the plan that I have made for myself fills me with pride and fuels my determination. AND... it can lift me up out of a funk.

    Go for that walk tonight. Focus on yourself. You'll be so glad you did.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    if it helps any im new to jogging and had to take my hefty butt outside at 5am in the rain and wind jogging in front of the garbage men....and oh why was there a truck with 2 men on every corner....lucky me BUT i will tell u once i got home i was all smiles and proud that i finally did go to the gym and reward yourself with a manicure if you go 14 days...or new bottle of polish
  • NinaDawn79
    NinaDawn79 Posts: 164
    I can certainly identify with the problem of having to miss out on a workout for a very valid reason, and watching my motivation fly right out the window. :sad: The way I have worked around it is to plan on 30 minutes of activity, 7 days a week, no excuses. Doesn't matter what it is, but it's on my calendar as a To Do. I have been sick a couple times, and gave myself mental permission to skip it on those days with no guilt, but every other day I am doing something. 90% of the time I put in a good 1-3 hours, but my only requirement is 30 minutes.

    I've also heard of a technique where you tell yourself you don't have to exercise, but you do have to at least go to the gym (or park, wherever.) Of course once you're there, you'd feel silly not exercising, but you do reserve the right to back out.

    It's all a mental game. :wink:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Oh, I feel your pain! Last week my mom had surgery and I was not able to leave her side - which meant no exercise and grabbing food that was quick and easy (and very bad for you). Yesterday morning it took me a long time to face the treadmill. Finally, I downloaded some new music to my IPOD and promised myself 20 minutes. I told myself that I ONLY had to do 20 minutes. Normally I make that kind of deal with myself and end up staying on for an hour... not yesterday - I stayed on for 20 minutes and was glad to be done. BUT - I had restarted my routine.

    This morning was easier - I did 30 today.

    Tomorrow I'll do 40.

    For me it's just about getting back in the groove of the routine. I'm having a hard time right now because I have a surprise bday party for my husband planned for May 2nd.... NOTHING is ready - so I feel like I should be cleaning when I'm exercising. BUT - then I refocus on "THIS IS MY TIME" - I find myself making mental checklists.... but I can't let anything interfere with MY time.

    Recommit to yourself and focus on you for 20 minutes. The world will be a better place because of it.