Are you a grazer or do you plan meals? Which is better?



  • darylinny
    I think I am a combination of both. I eat thoughout the day but I eat at specific times and I try to eat only certain types of foods. Even doing this I usually consume less than 1200 calories a day.

    Me too! I am a combination of both, but I think the grazing led me to "forgeting" that I ate something. So now I plan out my meals include my "grazing" food in the snack section as well. I've reduced the number of grazing times to three times a day: 11am, 4:30pm and 9:00pm. So I'm a controlled grazer now....LOL
  • ashhills
    ashhills Posts: 64 Member
    I mix the two. I have 3 specific meals planned out so that I don't end up eating something on the fly that I will regret later. I also keep healthy snacks around so that I have options.
  • chaniray
    chaniray Posts: 87 Member
    if i don't plan i'll overeat. so all of my grazing is thrown in the appropriate section. what works best for me is bringing a grapefruit to work. it takes me all day to eat one and they satisfy my snack cravings generally. i also break up my lunch and breakfast. i see how i feel after i've eaten the first part. sometimes i save the second half for later or the next day if i'm satisfied. i also make a point to make breakfast and lunch my largest meals so most of my planned grazing is done during the work day.
  • Rosiered2
    Rosiered2 Posts: 87 Member
    I think when we plan our day out and "graze" from our planning, we get the proper balance of what we need vs. what just sounds good.........I think sometimes that our lack of intent on eating is what got us here in the first place?? Or I should say, what got ME here in the first place.....I NEED to be intentional about my diet but allow for some ability to choose what sounds good at the moment (from what I have left for the day)