10 Reasons why you should not have a cheat day... hmmm



  • linzirussell
    linzirussell Posts: 116 Member
    i always have a spike day and ive lost 114 pounds lol, look at my pictures for the proof! my spike days i usually eat about 3000 calories, it might not work for everyone but it works for me lol x
  • Greenmom77
    For some people with addictive personalities like myself, cheat days just don't work. This doesn't mean I don't have treats or pizza or ice cream. It means when I do have them I plan around it and make sure to stay within my allotted calories.

    Shaming someone for this is so unhelpful. It's the same as shaming an alcoholic for committing to never having another drink again. Some people are powerless over their addictions. Admitting that is a huge, HUGE step. For those of you NOT dealing with this issue, please know that we don't all work the same way as you do.