50 and losing, looking for friends : )

Hi everyone,

I am so happy to have found this site. I am a 50 year old female, married and I work full time. My children are grown and we have grandchildren. I have been working out since September 2011 and have lost 20lbs and have gone down 2 sizes! I belong to the gym and do spin/cycle class a couple of times a week and love the elliptical. I also do ab work and stretching on foam roller. I have started doing push up's off a counter top at home & work... trust me you feel it after doing the push up's and I am adding in strengh/weight training. I am looking for friends to share with and who would also like encouragement.

Carla Jane~


  • pearsj
    pearsj Posts: 14
    Hi Carla,

    I am 48 and need to lose about 50 lbs. I work full time and have (1) 14 yr. old son left at home - others are grown. I have an elliptical at home but don't have time to go to a gym. Would love the support and motivation for new exercises. Would like to give you support as well. I will send you a friend request - add me if you want.
  • louigie15
    Hi Carla,

    I am a married 58 year old male and have not been very dilligent keeping to the diet. I made a decision to actually start this week and have been able to follow my diet since last Friday, 16 Feb and have started to drink less coffee and a lot more water. My goal is to lose 50 lbs and get back to my military retirement weight of 180. So far I have lost 3.5 lbs. Next week I start riding my bike for exercise so hopefully I will lose a little more per week but I don't want to lose to fast. I am also hoping to be an example for my wife who needs to lose weight and I have not been very good doing that. Anyway, feel free to answer back and I will check in and see how everyone is doing.
  • carlajanemoore

    I'm not sure what your first name is. I am very happy to have so many nice people to share and motivate each other. I have a elliptical at home too and that's what I started out doing before going back to the gym. Since I don't have any children at home I have worked out going to the gym again : ) I look forward to chatting with you : )

    Carla Jane~
  • carlajanemoore

    Glad to see so many people on here trying to get healthier. My husband and I were doing really well with working out the year before last when a couple of pieces of sheet metal fell on his foot and broke 4 toes and the big toe was broken in 2 places and he had to have surgery and pins put in to stabilize the toe. Anyway it was a very long healing. I just got started back working out in September and lost 20 lbs and gone down 2 sizes before finding this site. When I got on the scale this weekend it was showing a 2 lbs loss so I am very excited. My husband has really had a hard time getting back into it but I see his wheels turning. He had me buy him the insanity workout. He had started smoking again after 3 years so he is slowly cutting back off the smoking. He cheers me on and and I am very excited I have stuck with this 5 months even though the weight loss is coming off slow.
  • akbatchelder
    Hi Carla,

    I am 49, 8 months and 12 days!! Age fifty is screaming down the road at me! :sad:

    I have three kids (12, 17 and 22), married (27 years) work full time (mostly sitting) and love to cook. With 50 creeping toward me, I realize I really need to do something to get myself in shape and healthy. I am 5' 7.5" and weigh about 176. I have been at that weight for the past few years. When I was 40, I did the Bill Phillips Body for Life program and lost about 40 pounds and gained alot of muscle. It was the first time I had been in a bikini in years. Unfortunately, going back to work full time, and quitting exercising and not tracking my food has landed back where I started.

    I had high hopes at the beginning of the year but have gotten off to a slow start. My mother, who I was very close to died 6 months ago after a 18 month struggle with cancer. I have found myslef still struggling with her death, and it often makes me feel sad, depressed and lethargic. But I know that exercise is the best thing for me. I think I may be struggling with some menopause issues as well (hope that is not to personal!).

    I am heading to the gym for the first time today. I am going to start tracking my food and start cooking more basically so as not to overeat.

    That is great that you have lost 20 pounds! I know it makes a huge difference in the way you look and feel.
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    Hi! I'm 58, and have been on MFP since October, 2011. Feel free to add me!
  • grumpy2day
    Hi Carla, I'm 51 and trying to get fit again feel free too add me if you would like to. I need motivation as well as giving it.:smooched:
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Hi Carla, I'm 54 next month. Please add me, I love knowing members closer to my age cause what works for the younger set, doesn't seem to work for us. This way we can share what we're doing right, wrong, and cheer each other on!!!
  • flstarlady65
    Hi Carla,

    I am 47 years old and a single mother of two boy 21 & 9. I have been on here for over a year but finally decided to take it to a more serious level this year. My father passed away at an early age due to health issues (Diabetes/heart attache) and I don't want to end up like that. I have lost 10 and looking down the road to my goal of 125lbs. Add me if you would like to give and receive support.

    I go to the gym a few times a week for cardio and some weight. I work a desk job so I try to get up and walk a little during the day too.

  • sassygamma
    sassygamma Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Carla,

    I am 50 also, i have 4 kids from ages 30 to 15,and 4 grand children 2 of which live with me as long as their parents. I started my weight loss on Jan 2nd but did not start here until around the end of Jan, It is a great site with lots of information and motivation.. I am married to a wonderful man who supports what i am doing, I just love this site. I added you as a friend, we can be diet buddies on here...
  • highwayman
    highwayman Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I am 54 and have restarted MFP in mid January. Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • carlajanemoore
    Thanks and I really hope you have a great workout!! It does feel good to lose weight. I still have such a long way to go but a day at a time : ) I look forward to chatting with you!
  • carlajanemoore
    I look forward to all of us that are not as young as we use to be sharing ideas and different workouts as well as recipes! A day at a time we can do this ; )
  • carlajanemoore
    We just have to keep moving.... spring and summer is around the corner and I want to feel and look better then I have in a long time. The weight does not come off easy and I am determined to do this lol : )
  • carlajanemoore
    :glasses: Good morning everyone : ) Looking forward to making this a great day!
  • davel1977
    Hi Carla,

    I'm a 52 yr old man, needing to lose about 35 lbs, just getting started, belong to the YMCA and the workouts are going good, my struggle is the diet, nights are tough. So one step at a time.
  • carlajanemoore

    I understand the struggle... taking the time to workout is hard. My goal is to make this a lifestyle change. I actually just started going to the gym in the mornings. I was going after work all the time and getting on my elliptical a few mornings a week for 20 minutes. We can do this! Keep posting and keep track of your meals : )

  • loreenkoby
    I'm 49 and just joined today! Please friend me! I need support
  • Minadan
    Hiya everyone! I'll be 50 in a few months and want to loose at least 24lbs before my baby girl's wedding in July 2012!!! Help!
  • carlajanemoore
    Hi and welcome :smile:

    We are all here to cheer each other on. I am finding it very helpful to take the time to put in all my food... everything!! it adds up and makes us make better choices. Try to exercise everyday even if it is broken up into 10 minutes at a time and get sleep : ) These are all things I am finding that are working for me.