Now that I've lost weight....

OK....someone else started this topic and it got pushed down the list too fast. I was really interested in hearing more comments on how losing weight has changed everyone's daily activities, outlook, or self confidence. So....we'll try it again. Finish this sentence: Now that I've lost weight, I can....

I can shop in any REGULAR store!!! Having gone from a size 22 to a size 7, this is a HUGE thing for me not to shop in "Plus Size" stores!

I can run 10 miles

I can tie my shoes without having to sit down.

I can breath through my nose!!!! Those of you who know what I'm talking about totally get it!

I can jump out of the bed in the morning and walk normally...none of that hobbling for the first hour that used to go on.

I can stand to look at myself in the mirror.

I can try on clothes without crying.

I can feel a sense of accomplishment and pride that I have not felt in years.

I can actually inspire and help others.

I can love myself again! I know...I should have all along but let's be real here.