Wii Fit - Wii Funny!!



  • icandoallthings
    icandoallthings Posts: 1,212 Member
    Does anyone else find doing push-ups on the wii fit board to be much harder than floor push-ups? I can't do as many!

    Oh and a related running story - my fiance was using the running feature and started jogging really fast as he got towards the end to see if he could improve his percentage. Well, HE tripped and fell (well, his mii character). :laugh: It said he was unsafe going that fast (and passing his "trainer")!

    That happened to me too! If you run too fast you pass your trainer and then get
    reprimanded for it. One time I just stopped running and shook the remote control
    and it kept right on going as I stood still. It sure would be hard to burn calories
    that way! :wink: :laugh:

    Yeah, push-ups on the fit board is harder than just doing them on the floor. I think
    it's because you can't spread your hands out that wide. Maybe it's just me. I dunno.