Just joined but still a bit confused

Hi, I've just decided to join. After doing weight watchers for the last year, I've become stuck and not really making any progress.

I've just started having a look through and tracking my food. I'm allowed 1200 calories per day. When I start adding my food, the fat and protein figures will go into a minus - does this matter?

Should I just be looking at the calorie intake for the day and making sure I don't go over that? Can somebody please explain?

Many thanks



  • I try to stay at or under all of the above. Calories are most important, I do believe, but to me fat and sugar are also just as important. When you log your excersice it will tell you to eat back the calories you burned. Thats up for a big debate on this site. Some people say do it and others say don't. Some say eat back only half. I eat if i'm hungry. If i'm not I will leave it alone. I'm only a week into the sight so I'm still getting my footing also. You can add me as a friend and I will do my best to help you out.
  • Welcome. I've been using the App for awhile now, but just started posting this week. I am training three days a week on the weights and doing cardio all five, so protein and calories are important to me. I probably burn on the average of 800 per day, so I will go in the negative in protein, but it will take efforts to get to my recommended calories.
    My advice to anyone who feels like they are in a rut or not making the progress that they should be---keep working hard. Don't get down on yourself. Use the support systems that are in place.
  • Hi Tia,
    I joined about a month ago after hitting a plateau on WW. Like my2boiz post, I try to stay under the totals for the day agreeing that calories and sodium I watch the most. For you it maybe calories and fat. I tend not to add my exercise calories back in because I find I then go overboard and eat to much if that makes any sense. It's nice to know though that you have the extra if you want dessert that day. If you want you can friend me. As a former WW client you will love this site..I do! It gets easier as you transition from counting pnts to counting calories. My husband is happy too. No more pnts totals written on his cereal box :)
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    weight watcher is a life style change ... same is here ... if u followed is properly there you be fine .. they have points .. and u cant go over it .. same here .. u cant go over the calories ... if u do see you are going over ... do some more exercise ... thats what i do ... when i am going over i work out ...
  • I started MFP a little over 3 weeks ago and it is a bit confusing but it's getting easier every day. This is the longest I have stuck with keeping a "food diary" so to speak. It's actually fun! Not so much fun in the beginning...I just started losing weight about a week and a half ago so I was a little discouraged in the beginning. I'm very happy now that I am seeing results for all of my hard work. I am just looking for some support, I didn't know if I should join a group or not.....
  • I also switched from Weight Watchers because maintaining wasn't working. I was meeting my points, but gaining back slowly.

    Protein being over is not necessarily bad, but if it's over by a lot I would cut back. Most people don't need as much as they think they do (disclaimer (-: I eat vegetarian most days, chicken or fish 2 or 3 times per month, but still meet my protein grams no problem).
    I would definitely change up your food if your fat grams are over though. The 1200 calorie goals are tough, but they are set to help you lose the weight. When I follow them to the T, including fat grams, I lose. When I don't I stay the same or even gain back. Also, excess fat, even the "good" kind, doesn't seem like it would be good for you.
    That being said I do still go over sometimes when I feel like I need a brownie or cookie.

    If I'm hungry I'll eat back some calories - sometimes every single one! But sometimes I won't if I'm not truly hungry.

    Best of luck to you!