Protein shakes/Green Juices?!?!?

Can someone educate me into why you need to have protein shakes, or green juices.

From what I've read the green juices are good for your skin, ageing process and sagging in the skin.

The protein shakes, is that just to make sure you get enough protein in your diet?

I have noticed that my food diary, protein is not at the amount it should be, although its not low. I workout 5 days a week, and eating around 1500 cals. My iron tends to be quite low also, could I combate this here with shakes?!?! Suggestions are appreciated!



  • Dkitzmama
    Dkitzmama Posts: 20 Member
    Dark leafy greens like kale and spinach are high in iron so if you put those in a shake/smoothie/juice that would help with your iron. Protein helps build and repair muscles. Hope that helps a little! :)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Can someone educate me into why you need to have protein shakes, or green juices.

    From what I've read the green juices are good for your skin, ageing process and sagging in the skin.

    The protein shakes, is that just to make sure you get enough protein in your diet?

    I have noticed that my food diary, protein is not at the amount it should be, although its not low. I workout 5 days a week, and eating around 1500 cals. My iron tends to be quite low also, could I combate this here with shakes?!?! Suggestions are appreciated!


    You don't need to have either.

    That being said, you should do your best to consume adequate protein and iron, and if having a green smoothie with a scoop or two of whey, allows you to hit these targets, then go for it.

    Alternatively you could eat vegetables and more chicken (for example) and accomplish the same task.
  • I love doing the "Mean Green Drink" from the movie Sick, Fat And Nearly has celery, ginger, kale,cucumber, lemon, chard, you can google this. I suggest a good juicer like friend has had theirs for ten years and they continue to eat raw and juice..I love their advice so I wanted to share!

    Heath and happiness,

  • I read somewhere that green juices are good for your skin, as they get to the bloodstream quicker than eating the veg, or having the pulp would(like in a smoothie).

    I think if I can just eat the nutrients then that probably suits me better, but I was curious about the reason why people take juices/protein shakes?