Question for women who have had babies!



  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    What they said.

    Eat more.

    Lift weights.

    Give it time.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I heard if you scrub or brush Your skin it will help it tighten up, since your helping remove old dead skin faster than it just falling off. Dont know if its the exercise or the scrub brush but i do notice a difference in my theighs. not so much my stomach so far, but i have a good amout to lose so i cant tell.
    They say to brush Upward! it cant hurt to add skin brushing to your shower routine
    either way you will have softer nicer feeling skin :)

  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    1) You can't spot reduce. Focus on getting healthy and you'll lose some from everywhere, but there is no way to pick a spot and make it shrink.
    2) Do strength training. Period.
    3) EAT MORE! Netting 500 calories a day!?!?! Seriously, grab a spoon and eat some peanut butter. You'll feet better and your body will like it, too.
  • Aphreal
    Aphreal Posts: 103
    Well, if you are honestly netting 500 a day then you are never going to lose that belly fat because you're starving your poor body and it's going to hold on to every bit of fat it can as stubbornly as possible.

    I've had 2 babies and my tummy is getting there...I work hard for it, though. I work out a lot and try to fill my body with good healthy foods and I eat anywhere from 1800-2200 calories a day. You've got to fuel your body to build muscle and burn fat.

    Glad you said it. Not nearly enough food. I have had 4 children and I am not afraid to eat. When I eat too little, I stop loosing. Largest size 22, now 8/10.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I have to agree with eating more to feed your body and increased activity. I started out at 165 lbs and size 17/19 last July and I'm now down to 126 lbs and rockin' my new size 6 jeans which are starting to get a little loose. Back in the beginning I was set to lose 2 lbs per week b/c I had a long way (to me) to go, after I lost 20 I dropped down to 1 lb per week, then a bit after that I dropped down to 1/2 lb per week - I have normally eaten my calorie goal plus my exercise calories and I have never had a plateau like so many people seem to get stuck in. I've had 2 babies, got up to 194 the day I delivered my second and yes my tummy is still a problem area but it's improving slowly over time with exercise and a consistent but moderate caloric deficit. (although to be honest even if I get all the fat off, the skin is still going to be crazy b/c of how much it stretched, apparently my skin is not very elastic LOL) Also you have to remember that the smaller you are, the slower the weightloss. Some people actually find if they hit a plateau that going on maintenance calories for a week or two and then going back to the weightloss plan will help break out of the plateau. I think the theory is kind of the same, that you need to feed your body for it to let you lose weight.
  • heavenlyhazel
    heavenlyhazel Posts: 89 Member
    Honestly, I am not sure I can ever get a flat belly. I have had 4 children and 4 C-sections. Any hope for me?
  • maryloo2011
    I cannot speak from experience as I do not have children but abs are mostly all nutrition. Eat enough, eat the right stuff. I've been always lean to start with but honestly I only do a few ab exercises during the week. I strength train 80% of the time I am at the gym and do 20% cardio (running). That's just a personal experience opinion as everyone's body is different.

    Experiment, and I would definitely add MORE strength and weight training and go less on the cardio. It's counter-intuitive at first but you WILL see results. Building muscle burns more calories at rest and focusing all your efforts on cardio may burn more muscle than you'd want.

    Good luck :D
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Honestly, I am not sure I can ever get a flat belly. I have had 4 children and 4 C-sections. Any hope for me?

    Well, I've had 2 babies and 2 c/s.
  • annettehoyt
    annettehoyt Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks everyone for the tips and advice! I have tried to eat more healthy calories. I will try to focus more on strength. I have a few DVDs that focus a lot on strength and get some HIT cardio in there as well. Might try those a couple times a week, and Jillian Michaels the other days. Finally got off my plateau! Excited! Tried adding green tea, so maybe that helped! Will also try to reduce sugar intake but that is hard! Thanks for the tips and encouragement!