It Came on So quickly

I have never been heavy in my whole life.. I was always the thin cheerleader in highschool and now that I am living on my own and work 2 jobs being healthy was not a priority. I now weigh 246 and would like to weigh 180. I am 20 years old and would like to lose a majority of this weight by my 21st birthday on 8-15-12

I am looking for support from people who know what I am going thru. I am an out Lesbian and I have a girlfriend but she is not as hardcore trying to lose the weight as I am and I would like to find someone I can talk to who really understands.


  • For me its kinda been the opposite but i have friends that have been this way and i do my best to keep them in check! Advice to you: Use MFP Almost Everyday! Using the diary to see how much you can eat and how much exercise is going to do you good! Keep it as close as a best friend, its helped me this far and im sure it can help you :D
  • I'm with Brian001 try and use it everyday. Talk to a health professional about what your daily calories should be (i'm not sure if they would suggest slowly going down or if straight away doing the average for women, I'm no expert). I also suggest getting yourself a heart monitor when you exersise as this has shown me when I'm working hardest and what makes me work really hard. Get one that also does your calories burn. Lastly, try and cut out carbs for dinner. Keep carbs during the day and then use dinner as a lighter meal, eg, salads, lean meats, etc....oh and watch your portion sizes! I requested you as a friend if you want to accept. :happy:
  • Hi, I just joined and would love to have another friend to share successes and challenges! Sincerely, Angelica