So easy to give up right now...

I've been here for a year, exactly, as per yesterday.
My account was deactivated today by accident and I've found a few of my friends.
I have reached my goal weight, I'm just here to maintain and log my exercise, and when I have time help my friends.
I panicked when the account and all my friends were gone.
Probably the closest group of friends I've had in ages.
So what do I do? Persevere and stay here with my online friends or take the opportunity that I've had them all go and give up Mfp and get some real life friends?
I miss every single friend I had on here, but is Mfp a comfort blanket that I need to outgrow?
I'm not sure I'll find them all again, I don't think Mfp will ever be the same :(


  • OMG what a shame :( but i think, some of them will search you :)
    LUCK !!
  • Pooterly
    Pooterly Posts: 61 Member
    Why can't you have both? Why do you have to give up MFP for others? I think you should try to balance the two.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I'm so confused.
    Too many people you care for in the world? That should be a blessing not an inconvenience.