my attitude on losing weight

I’m not changing things to fit into a different size pants.Im not doing this to look better to myself or anyone else. Im not going to beat myself up if i fall above or below my calories. I have no time limit. I have diabetes just found out in January. So what I’m doing is making better choices. I have stopped drinking soda. If i get hungry i will eat. I will let the little nsv be what they are a victory tht i am on my way to a better functioning body. I have learned a lot from reading these forums and hearing others stories. I do belive i can make a change that will affect my current condition. If in the long run i do go to a different size pants all the better. I am not going to police myself so bad that i get discouraged. If i choose badly this time i wont next time and go from there. I really never thought about food how i do now. the thought of eating McDonald’s has no appeal to me. I can enjoy so much more for that 1000 calories. I just don’t want to ever feel like I’m restricted by choice. I am influenced by choice but a choice none the less. Im going to have good and bad days i know this. I am going to go up and down. Yet the number one thing i will do is continue. I am accountable to me and my food diary. I am not going on a diet, I’m changing we all can change. I know i can change i have made so many changes in my life .And the hardest ones I made were all for the better. ahhh i feel better you all have a great day and biggest hugs.
