Advice Please

Please help! I am doing everything right and the scales are not moving. My profile shows 3 lbs down but that fluctuates. I was dieting a few weeks before MVP. Please look a my diary and offer any advice you can. Please note yesterday was not a typicL day! Thanks


  • bobthesmogs
    bobthesmogs Posts: 58 Member
    Your food looks good. I'd also track your sugar consumption and try and get that quite low. Re your exercise calories .... are you sure they're accurate?? MFP really is only a guide and often quite generous. And one thing people always forget is to subtract their BMR from the exercise. That is if your daily calorie maintenance is say 2400 cals, then you automatically burn 100 cals an hour just sitting on the couch. If you go for a run or walk and burn 500, then its really only an extra 400 if that makes sense. Hope that helped.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I disagree about your diary, there's only a few weeks worth of info, but that short time shows your calories all over the map (some days up, some days 300 to 400 below, that's not consistent enough for consistent accurate weight loss, 50 to 100 calories off is fine, but being under 300 or more is going to cause problems).

    Also, the fried foods, white breads, pizza, and snacks probably aren't helping. Not saying you can never have this stuff, but really, it's not going to help if you're having issues.

    other than that, we know nothing about you, we don't know any of your stats, or what your activity level is or workout schedule, age, any medical conditions...etc. and thus can't really help in that arena.

    Overall, you just have to be patient, make sure you set the correct goals for your individual needs, and be consistent with your diet to succeed, this stuff takes time, 1 or 2 weeks won't tell the story very well.
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    You eat a lot of snacks, your calories are all over the place and you tend to do a lot junk. Try getting your calories and exercise more consistent and cleaning up your food choices.
  • Dch2012
    Thanks for the advice. To give you a little more info I currently weigh 177 and am 5 foot 7. I always struggled with weight and lost 60 pounds in my early 20s and kept it off until 2 kids and quitting smoking. I find i maintain about 153 relatively easy so that is my goal.

    As for the calories being all over I usually dont go more than 100 over the 1200 net but i try to eat as few of the exercise cals as possible. should i be eating this, i have been operating under the assumption that all these calorie estimates are high therefore err on the side of caution and try to leave some in case.

    As for the snacking I always thought it was better to do 5 or 6 smaller meals but maybe this is wrong.
  • CMXL
    CMXL Posts: 54 Member
    Your food looks good. I'd also track your sugar consumption and try and get that quite low. Re your exercise calories .... are you sure they're accurate?? MFP really is only a guide and often quite generous. And one thing people always forget is to subtract their BMR from the exercise. That is if your daily calorie maintenance is say 2400 cals, then you automatically burn 100 cals an hour just sitting on the couch. If you go for a run or walk and burn 500, then its really only an extra 400 if that makes sense. Hope that helped.

    This is brilliant. I never thought about subtracting my BMR from exercise! Thanks!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Thanks for the advice. To give you a little more info I currently weigh 177 and am 5 foot 7. I always struggled with weight and lost 60 pounds in my early 20s and kept it off until 2 kids and quitting smoking. I find i maintain about 153 relatively easy so that is my goal.

    As for the calories being all over I usually dont go more than 100 over the 1200 net but i try to eat as few of the exercise cals as possible. should i be eating this, i have been operating under the assumption that all these calorie estimates are high therefore err on the side of caution and try to leave some in case.

    As for the snacking I always thought it was better to do 5 or 6 smaller meals but maybe this is wrong.

    To follow MFP's plan, yes, you would eat your exercise calories. It's not the only way to do it, but it's one way.