Calories VS Cell Phone Minutes

mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,277 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I know that some cell phone providers offer roll-over minutes for all unused minutes included in your plan. Would that same logic apply to our daily goal for caloric intake? Example: If I have 200 calories left at the end of the day is it healthy and within my diet plan to not eat them but "roll them over" for a splurge day?

I'm guessing the answer is NO - yet I just had to ask! :blushing:

Thanks in advance!


  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,277 Member
    I know that some cell phone providers offer roll-over minutes for all unused minutes included in your plan. Would that same logic apply to our daily goal for caloric intake? Example: If I have 200 calories left at the end of the day is it healthy and within my diet plan to not eat them but "roll them over" for a splurge day?

    I'm guessing the answer is NO - yet I just had to ask! :blushing:

    Thanks in advance!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I would say no. Just because you 'roll' 200 calories over doesn't mean your body is magically going to burn 200 calories more. I'd say if you want a little bit of a splurge, do a little extra exercise. :flowerforyou:
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hey I'm guessing most people on here would advise against that but I do know that on weightwatchers you can do this.

    Example, if I was going out on Saturday and wanted some extra cals I could "bank" my weightwatcher points one a day for example and eat them all (or drink them all!!!) on Saturday. 1 point on weightwatchers is I think like 50 cals...

    I wouldn't advise doing it alot but if it's for something like the above should be fine.

  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    LOL, if you can figure out a way to do that, let me know!!!
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    This is about Weightwatchers:-

    "You can also do what is called "banking" Points. If you know you have a special event coming up or a trip to the ice cream shop with the kids this weekend, you can reserve some of your Points from one day and use them another. You may also enjoy the convenience of eating at fast food restaurants. Even if you do not purchase the restaurant Points book, most restaurants provide their nutritional information online. Simply compute your favorite foods' Points values before leaving and you will have your meal planned."
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I'd think one day into the next wouldn't be such a big deal for a few hundred calories. (Our bodies don't run on our 24 hour days, now do they?) But if you shave off 100 calories a day and save them for the end of the month.... eh, don't think that will work.

    Maybe you could think of it as a cell phone battery instead??
    If you don't use all your battery today, and you don't use all your battery power tomorrow, does that mean you can use those 'leftovers' at the end of the month and expect your cell phone to run extra? Meh, that might be apples versus oranges there.

    Personally, I'm not a big fan of 'saving calories'. I don't think it's a good idea. I'd just exercise more on that day or chalk it up to a maintenance day or total cheat day.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I don't know that I would describe it QUITE like roll-over minutes... but why not? I'm no expert - but here's my opinion.

    My bodies health does not "depend" on what I do on any ONE day - it's how I treat it on an ongoing basis. As long as I give it fuel every day to do what it needs to do (never going below 1200 calories) - then sure, I can eat a little extra one day and not run into a huge problem.

    If you want to save some of your calories up for a special occasion, I don't see that it would hurt. Just make sure that you're eating enough every day to fuel your body.
  • fiddlechic
    fiddlechic Posts: 196
    Just to avoid confusion-

    I'm not sure where you got the info on weight watchers but Ive never heard of that and I was on WW for a year. Last year they had something called "flex points" which was 35 points you were allotted each week to use however you wanted such as divided evenly over the week to add on to your daily allotted points or save all 35 for one day, but your daily points had to be used that day. I was allowed 28 points each day and could earn up to 6 points working out and could then choose to use some or all of my flex points but there was no "roll-over"

    If someone is on a current WW plan and it is different please feel free to correct me.
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Lol, my sister does weightwatchers and she gets a banking system, if you don't believe me google it on Weightwatchers! There are different types of plans of Weightwatchers.
  • nance1109
    nance1109 Posts: 25 Member
    I don't think you can "roll over" calories to the next day. Once the day is over and I sleep thats it! Times up with the calorie intake and its time to start over. In my case that is good cuz I tend to go "over" my goal sometimes...its nice to start fresh again in the am.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I know that some cell phone providers offer roll-over minutes for all unused minutes included in your plan. Would that same logic apply to our daily goal for caloric intake? Example: If I have 200 calories left at the end of the day is it healthy and within my diet plan to not eat them but "roll them over" for a splurge day?

    I'm guessing the answer is NO - yet I just had to ask! :blushing:

    Thanks in advance!

    your guess is right the answer is NO-
    Your body doesn't roll over calories its all for 1 day thats it- Everything is for a day to day basis
  • ktthegr8
    ktthegr8 Posts: 479
    I used to roll over points on WW so I could go out drinking once a week.:happy: But, I would also go low points on those days and I only had 10 banked points (5 beers). Now, if I know I'm going to have an extremely high calorie day, I get my butt to the gym and burn as many calories as I can. I think that is the best way to handle high calorie days.
  • ianconway
    ianconway Posts: 185 Member
    I would say your body is programmed to have a certain number of calories per day. If for some reason you take 500 calories from today and add them to tomorrow then it would count for that day's calories. I know some people do weekly intakes, but daily intakes and exercise is key.

    So, I would say, 'no.' Our bodies aren't cell phones. :wink:
  • mlmanney
    mlmanney Posts: 349 Member
    I know that some cell phone providers offer roll-over minutes for all unused minutes included in your plan. Would that same logic apply to our daily goal for caloric intake?

    I think that would open a whole can of worms for me.....:noway: ...once I started doing it would I be able to stop? Knowing me...probable not!:grumble:
  • mlmanney
    mlmanney Posts: 349 Member
    I would say your body is programmed to have a certain number of calories per day. If for some reason you take 500 calories from today and add them to tomorrow then it would count for that day's calories. I know some people do weekly intakes, but daily intakes and exercise is key.

    So, I would say, 'no.' Our bodies aren't cell phones. :wink:

    so you are saying I cant use my 200 roll over minutes for calories??!! :laugh: :laugh: :tongue:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    So, I would say, 'no.' Our bodies aren't cell phones. :wink:

    I don't know about that.
    I am cute and compact and never work when you need me to. :wink:

    I'm also trying to think of a play on words for 'pushing my buttons' but nothing comes to mind.... someone pick up my slack!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I would say your body is programmed to have a certain number of calories per day. If for some reason you take 500 calories from today and add them to tomorrow then it would count for that day's calories. I know some people do weekly intakes, but daily intakes and exercise is key.

    So, I would say, 'no.' Our bodies aren't cell phones. :wink:

    so you are saying I cant use my 200 roll over minutes for calories??!! :laugh: :laugh: :tongue:

    "Sorry Mom, can't talk. I eat all my extra minutes!"
    huh? :tongue: :laugh:
  • mlmanney
    mlmanney Posts: 349 Member
    :bigsmile: maybe I will have to use that one on my mother in law...:laugh: :laugh:
  • ianconway
    ianconway Posts: 185 Member
    I would say your body is programmed to have a certain number of calories per day. If for some reason you take 500 calories from today and add them to tomorrow then it would count for that day's calories. I know some people do weekly intakes, but daily intakes and exercise is key.

    So, I would say, 'no.' Our bodies aren't cell phones. :wink:

    so you are saying I cant use my 200 roll over minutes for calories??!! :laugh: :laugh: :tongue:

    "Sorry Mom, can't talk. I eat all my extra minutes!"
    huh? :tongue: :laugh:

    Har har har! :bigsmile:

    Seriously though, I don't think the body is wired like that.
  • fiddlechic
    fiddlechic Posts: 196
    actually the plan on weight watchers that allowed you to "bank" points was from 2002. each year as new studies are done they create a new better plan. Banking was on the 1-2-3 plan many years ago. currently they are doing the "momentum" plan which focuses on eating things that are more filling like whole grain pastas and breads versus bleached processed foods.
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