I ate heathy and no weight loss this week :(



  • fourakes
    fourakes Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks everyone for your wonderful post and encouragement!! So I weighed my self when I first got up and no loss. Two hours later and after my 2 cups of coffee to my delight I am two pounds lighter. So now I will stay off the scale till next Saturday. :)
  • LisaJ2904
    LisaJ2904 Posts: 157 Member
    So, I've been a member of MFP for a month now and someone needs to invent a new word for when one is feeling beyond frustrated. The first week here, I didn't lose anything. Not a shocker because I didn't have a food scale or the right foods in the house. Second week, ordered healthy foods, bought a food scale, became serious about doing this, and GAINED 4 ibs. Someone said that I had probably gained the lbs. from what I had eaten the week before so I didn't get discouraged. Sure enough, week three I lost the 4 lbs. I had gained. I was so excited about today's weigh-in as I figured this would be my break-though week and my little ladybug would finally start creeping along my scale. Another disappointment! I didn't lose an ounce.! After a month, I am STILL at the weight I started. I have counted, measured, and weighed my foods, making sure I do not go over my allotment of calories, fats, and carbs. Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You must feel pishearted (thats a new word ) ...I really think that the best thing for you to do is to stay off the scales for a month. I realsise that sounds impossible but if you are really serious about losing weight then you need to do this. You must log into MFP EVERYDAY , online on on your phone app, you must continue to weight your food and stick religiously to the calorie allowance and eat more when you exercise, do not count ur usual routine. and just try to have one extra glass of water per da , if you can stomach tha diet coke has no calories and tastes a bit different.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    So, I've been a member of MFP for a month now and someone needs to invent a new word for when one is feeling beyond frustrated. The first week here, I didn't lose anything. Not a shocker because I didn't have a food scale or the right foods in the house. Second week, ordered healthy foods, bought a food scale, became serious about doing this, and GAINED 4 ibs. Someone said that I had probably gained the lbs. from what I had eaten the week before so I didn't get discouraged. Sure enough, week three I lost the 4 lbs. I had gained. I was so excited about today's weigh-in as I figured this would be my break-though week and my little ladybug would finally start creeping along my scale. Another disappointment! I didn't lose an ounce.! After a month, I am STILL at the weight I started. I have counted, measured, and weighed my foods, making sure I do not go over my allotment of calories, fats, and carbs. Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Because you constantly eat 200-300 calories under your target. Which is the minimum anyone should be eating at. Do you exercise too? Try eating to your calorie goal for three weeks and see if that makes a difference. You're not losing anyways so it won't hurt you eating to your goal.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    How much do you eat daily?
    How tall are you?
    How much do you weigh?
    Body Fat %?

    How often do you work out?
    When are you weighing yourself?

    Are you under any stress?
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566

    I feel for you. I checked your diary and was wondering if you do any exercising? That really, really does help. I think anytime you can do something different than your usual routine makes a difference. Also, you are sitting right around 1000 calories. Shoot for the 1200 you are suppose to be getting.

    Another factor is your age. I am 46 and boy is it tougher than when i was in my 30's. I think it gets so much harder as we age. That is why it is so important to exercise if we can. Even going for a quick walk or bike ride may help. If you have been doing this for a month and nothing has changed, you need to change something weather it be your food (upping most likely) or adding new exercises. If it still does not change i would talk to your doctor and see if something else is going on.

    Good luck to you.
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    Take a look at this post. Great reminder for all of us.
    Don't give up, you just started! :flowerforyou:
    These things takes time. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet. Hang in there lady! :drinker:

  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I really do not understand why I have not lost weight this week and it is very discouraging. I am eating the calories MFP said I should eat and I did not loose any thing, maybe I need a binge day.

    Any chance you can make your diary public, people can't really comment unless they can see it.
  • positivelylisa
    positivelylisa Posts: 32 Member
    Yes, you HAVE to eat your calories! Esp if you are set to 1200 per day...I could NOT lose at 1200 a day, not to mention I was miserable and starving.

    I got consistent with logging every bite, weighing my portions, getting on that treadmill and eating those calories too (if I'm hungry - which I usually am, LOL). I went from a week one gain, to a week 2 nothing, to a week three .5 loss, to eating more calories followed by a week 4 loss of 2 lbs. and pretty consistently 2 lbs a week since. I had a 3 lb loss followed by a .5 lb gain because I got cocky too. It will always be a battle, but it gets easier when you find what your calorie goal TRULY should be! 1200 is the bare minimum for anyone to eat.
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    I never lose, I repeat I never lose any weight to speak of, but I lose inches. I'm able to wear clothes I could not before. Maybe it's because I'm building muscle thru the weight training I'm doing, I really don't know. Maybe it's my age, I just know the positives are there, better overall health, more energy, and tighter, firmer body. If I focused on the scale I'd be a mess!!!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I really do not understand why I have not lost weight this week and it is very discouraging. I am eating the calories MFP said I should eat and I did not loose any thing, maybe I need a binge day.

    Any chance you can make your diary public, people can't really comment unless they can see it.

  • BigMamy
    BigMamy Posts: 43 Member
    2 weeks ago I was the same, nothing lost. Then last week I lost 1 lb and then this week I lost 4lbs. I am not doing anything different. It all adds up over the month.
  • mreko2005
    The only salt I take in is what is naturally in the food. I had blood work done before joining MFP and, no surprise, I was severely anemic, and had low blood sugar and potassium levels so I am now taking vitamin and mineral supplements.I have been confined to a hospital bed for more than 20 years and during that time, lack of physical activity, over-eating, junk food, and medication has made me gain more than 150 lbs. but, unfortunately, other than arm crunches to maintain my arm strength, the only "exercise" I get is transferring in and out of my wheelchair numerous times to feed my pets, bathroom visits, and popping dinners in the microwave as I can not sit up for extended periods of time. I have been drinking more water since joining MFP, making more trips to the fridge for said water, and consequently, more trips to the bathroom. i can't find anywhere though that says how many calories one burns "transferring". My daughter says maybe after ordering fast food every day for 20 years, my body has gone into shock being given something healthy to digest. Maybe she's right. I will try eating the 1, 290 calories I'm allotted a day and drink more water as y'all suggested, lets see if that helps...
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    No, no, no binge day. Just keep with the program and the loss will come. Sometimes it's not linear. I might not lose one week and lose three pounds the next. Just keep on keeping on... Water retention can make the scale mess with your head.

    ^ This is a good answer.

    One week is just not long enough to make any conclusions about anything.
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    It is not just about staying within your calorie goal but it is more so about making every bite count.

    I look at diaries and see lots of "diet foods"

    Try eating real food, chicken breast, fish, lean protein, and whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal) and more veggies. Make sure every meal you get a nice portion of protein, carbs and veggies and FUEL your body.

    Stay away from the bars and the diet foods.

    Snack on veggies, nuts, lean protein.
  • garyolson43
    garyolson43 Posts: 28 Member
    What is eating healthy to you? I eat pretty much the same foods I ate before but I control my portions now and I do not skip meals whether I am hungry or not. And I eat snacks so that I am eating something every 3-4 hours. I do not eat out much but when I do I stay away from fast food restaurants. One exception and that is when I take my granddaughters out to lunch every few weeks. We will go to the restaurant and then to Dairy Queen for a treat. That's the only time I allow myself to indulge. I have lost 113 pounds but I do not put my complete trust in what MFP says the amount of calories I can eat. For one, I almost never eat the extra calories I gain by exercising. I know there are people on MFP who do and lose weight. I know for myself I have to keep my calories down to around 1500 per day in order for ME to lose the weight. I am consistent about exercising. I exercise a minimum of 30 minutes a day. I am 54 years old and I had to pick and do an exercise I can sustain in the years to come. And I don't believe that the exercise database is a reliable resource for calories burned. If you are going to eat the calories you burn from exercising then I recommend investing in a Heart Rate Monitor (HRM). You will get a more accurate count of calories burned from a HRM. Don't always trust the scale. You can lose inches and not see a weight lose or you might even gain weight. Measure yourself if that helps. Measuring myself is something I do not do. I can tell if I lost any weight by how my clothing fits. One week is not enough time to determine what you are doing is correct. Everyone here on MFP is different. And the successful ones found what works for them. I wish you the very best of luck. I believe you can do this just keep on trying. ....Gary
  • cbashful
    cbashful Posts: 29 Member
    Your words have inspired me to keep going... I was discouraged this morning becasue I gained the 3 lbs I lost last week. Hearing that sodium intake really matters is really helpful..Thanks for this
  • Tcsuper
    you need to walk on the treadmill for an hour on 3mph and an incline of 10%. I lost weight fast with exercise as well as diet. When I don't exercise I don't lose anything. if you can't do 3mph do less but use incline and walk for at least 48 minutes. eat a banana for breakfast, big healthy lunch at 2 -3pm(chicken breast, lean meats, fish & veggies,beans,etc,no bread, no pasta, no potatoes, no rice) and a banana or low fat yogurt for dinner or another banana for dinner no later than 7pm
  • bexblonde
    I've found that the weeks I lose most is when I exercise and eat back at least half of my exercise calories. My body doesn't seem to like functioning on only 1200 calories! So at the moment I'm doing exercise every day. I had 3 weeks where I only lost 1lb, BUT I lost 3 inches from my waist during those 3 weeks. I think I must have put on muscle mass from all the exercise I've been doing.

    I'm trying to weigh myself once a week max, and I tend to measure my waist at the same time because that can be a more accurate way to tell - you could be losing inches but gaining muscle weight.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    you need to walk on the treadmill for an hour on 3mph and an incline of 10%. I lost weight fast with exercise as well as diet. When I don't exercise I don't lose anything. if you can't do 3mph do less but use incline and walk for at least 48 minutes. eat a banana for breakfast, big healthy lunch at 2 -3pm(chicken breast, lean meats, fish & veggies,beans,etc,no bread, no pasta, no potatoes, no rice) and a banana or low fat yogurt for dinner or another banana for dinner no later than 7pm

    Actually, the times you eat your meals has no bearing on weightloss, I know this because I often eat after 7pm due to me working shifts, I eat potatoes a lot, I eat two slices of bread everyday for sandwiches and have lost consistently, every week since 1st January (when I started this diet).
  • dotmertsky
    this week I did not loose any weight (didn't gain either) I will keep on keeping on. there will always be days like this.