HRM for i-phone

Hi I'm new here
I was just wanting to ask if anyone uses the "Wahoo Bluetooth Heart Rate Strap for i-phone 4S". I use the "Map my Run" app for tracking the routes and distances that I run and thought this might be interesting. I've never used a hrm before.


  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    I just got the Wahoo Blue HR strap for my iPhone 4S last Sunday... I've done three runs with it so far and I really like it.

    I use RunKeeper to track my runs and it integrates perfectly with RunKeeper - I'm not sure about MapMyRun - but it seems that most of the running apps that support Ant+ heart rate monitors are being updated with support for the Wahoo bluetooth one.

    I just downloaded iSmoothRun today and I'll be trying it out with the HRM.

    I love the fact that I now have everything I need in one device with no dongles or attachments necessary. I just start up my apps, pop the iPhone in my armband and my bluetooth headphones in my ears and I'm off - no muss, no fuss.

  • catweazle12
    catweazle12 Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks for the info. I think I'll give it a try.. Just thought it would be interesting to see my stats. since I don't run to heart rate figured I don't have to see it as I run. I have my phone in a "spi-belt" around my waist so not easily accessible...
    Happy running :)