Need help with balanced diet and exercise plan.

Suggestions for meals and exercise regimens? Weight training plans. Cardio exercises? I'm looking to lose about 25 more lbs. any ideas appreciated. :)


  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    if you can't get to a gym - where most will do a program for you based on what you want to achieve try some Jillian Michaels DVDs. they are all around £5 on amazon. try to cook your own meals with fresh ingredients and steer clear of processed and 'low-fat' foods and sugar. hope this helps x
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Say no to pop tarts, Haha. You're doing great, just keep pushing yourself. :-)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Diet - moderate calorie deficit. plenty of protein, moderate fat
    Strength training - Starting Strength, Stronglifts 5x5, or NROL. 3x / week
    Cardio - whatever you like, up to 3x/week