


  • ShayamliMehrotra
    Raw almonds are good for you. Invest in a food scale to keep your calories in check though. :)
  • tradingfoods
    tradingfoods Posts: 64 Member
    hi thanks so much for all of the responses i really didn't know all this information it's very helpful. thanks again
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I eat an oz of almonds pretty much every day.
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    We get bulk raw, but repackage them into servings. I bit cheaper that way.
  • nk17
    nk17 Posts: 141 Member
    I eat 7 at 45 cal or 15 at 90 for a snack. No more. And not every day.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Almonds my craving sin :embarassed:
    They have tons of qualities we cannot describe. They have for nut an interesting properties others don't have ratio fat/proteins : 2:1
    which is awesome.
    You need if you buy them raw to put them in natural water during 24-48 hours (soaking)
    Soaking turns the beta starch (starch in sees) which is hard to digest into alpha-starch, much more easy to digest.
    Moreover, soaking your almonds also eliminates the non digestive enzymes you'd find in nuts.

    The only thing though is the soaking time have to be proper due precious minerals leaching out into the soak water.
    So you need to soak just long enough for the almonds to soften.

    The soaked almonds are alive and though they won't reach their most nutritious value, enven if they are still very nutritious - plus they are already privated from their enzyme inhibitors (a very good thing) so they'll digest themselves ;)
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Almonds my craving sin :embarassed:
    They have tons of qualities we cannot describe. They have for nut an interesting properties others don't have ratio fat/proteins : 2:1
    which is awesome.
    You need if you buy them raw to put them in natural water during 24-48 hours (soaking)
    Soaking turns the beta starch (starch in sees) which is hard to digest into alpha-starch, much more easy to digest.
    Moreover, soaking your almonds also eliminates the non digestive enzymes you'd find in nuts.

    The only thing though is the soaking time have to be proper due precious minerals leaching out into the soak water.
    So you need to soak just long enough for the almonds to soften.

    The soaked almonds are alive and though they won't reach their most nutritious value, enven if they are still very nutritious - plus they are already privated from their enzyme inhibitors (a very good thing) so they'll digest themselves ;)

  • JessicaHoskins
    Almonds are one of Mother Nature's best snacks to have:
    Contains fiber, as well as Potassium, which helps prevent Charley Horses/Leg Cramps.
    Ideal for people who hate to eat Bananas (like me) & lack Potassium...
  • ldalbello
    ldalbello Posts: 207 Member
    Almond milk is also good. Especially with some rum or vodka
  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    I always have a ziploc of 10-15 almonds in my purse, for a protien snack.
  • tradingfoods
    tradingfoods Posts: 64 Member
    thanks everyone very good information on almonds that i didn't know. and great ideals on what to do with them