Any Help for a Stress Eater?

I eat when I'm stressed or bored. At times it's so bad that I don't even notice that I got up to get something before I'm halfway done eating it. I get worse cravings when I'm stressed, and it takes an exhaustive amount of willpower to avoid these cravings. Couple that with the fact that I need willpower to study (which is usually why I'm stressed) and I usually crack and eat instead.
I know it's an unhealthy habit, but I just don't know how to break it! I've tried everything I can think of.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to overcome this awful habit and get on my way to losing weight finally?


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I'm an emotional eater too. It's why I can't keep weight off. I'll do really well for months, then go for months eating at every change of emotion!

    First thing, do something to help you manage stress levels. I do yoga twice a day to help me. Until you have a handle on your emotions, it is really hard to handle emotional eating! I'm a graduate student about a year out from getting my PhD, I know stress!
    Next, be more conscious of what you are doing. You have to pay attention to what you are doing and then why you are doing it.
    Then you can start addressing the cravings. No amount of will power will help until you have a control over the other parts! Before you give in, ask yourself why you are eating. Are you hungry or is it emotional? Even if you give in, at least you know why. And it's okay to give in! Portion out a serving and enjoy it. Don't do anything else while you're eating but think about how it tastes, how it feels to eat it. Truly enjoy it. You'll find you won't need as much!
    Hope something here helps you out!
  • harebearva
    harebearva Posts: 216 Member
    Stress eating is a tough thing to overcome. That kind of eating is often an unconscious, irrational response to stress. What works for me? A couple of things. 15 mintues of yoga. It's a great distraction. also....DANCE! When you feel the stress, put on your favorite band and just jump around for awhile. It's a great mood changer. You will still have to go back to the stressful task but you will do so in a better frame of mind and the activity will distract you from the eating. Or just plug your ears, put your head down and scream. LOL sometimes that is the best stress reliever! Hope this helps.
  • jademh
    jademh Posts: 94
    OH gosh I am a HORRIBLE emotional eater and i hate it, and when I get upset about it I tend to eat even more :[

    I'm still working on it but I'll tell you some of what's helping me out when I have the urge.

    1st of all knowing I have to be honest with myself & log the calories OCCASIONALLY makes me think twice... knowing the guilt i'll feel after eating.

    I also have learned to stop to ask myself why do I want to eat? 9 times outta 10 i'm not truly hungry, that can help me put it down. i grab a cold water bottle and drink the whole thing quickly so i feel REALLY full and it helps, kinda. If you're a writer, write down why you're feeling this way.

    Basically you need to find a new outlet that works for you instead of resorting to food. :/ I still need to find mine.... sometimes in stead of eating, if i'm at home i'll actually do a little workout. that feels great afterwards because I accomplished something -i didn't eat the food &&&& burned calories in the process. It's really hard, and I hate it. Feel free to add me for support. I'm struggling with this too! good luck! :)
  • Cobb_66
    Cobb_66 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks so much everyone!! I'll definitely try a few of these tips!
    It's good to know I'm not alone in this. When I try to explain to people why I'm having such a hard time losing no one seems to understand!!