Couch to 5K anyone???



  • aulove
    aulove Posts: 34
    Congrats on completing week 1! I started C25K two weeks ago, finished my week 2 yesterday. So far I'm loving it and determined to stick with it.
  • sassymom77
    sassymom77 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started day one of week one this morning! I am excited to start this, as I have heard a lot of people who have had success with this program! Good luck!:smile:
  • katiedid1226
    katiedid1226 Posts: 231 Member
    I'm on week 2. I've done this program before & love it! I can't run yet (just had a hip replacement in Dec) but I use it on the Arc Trainer and love that just as much as running on the treadmill.

    I have used Carli's podcasts, Robert's podcasts, and now have just found the ipod app for it. It prompts you when to run and walk, and you get to use your own music. It's awesome!

    Anyone, feel free to add me as a C25K friend!
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 671 Member
    I just started couch to 5k this week as well! Today will be week 1, day 3! So far, so good! Can't wait til I can tackle the longer running intervals!

    Everyone, feel free to friend me! I would love to have friends in the same boat!
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 302 Member
    I just did w1d3 today and wondered how to know when you are ready to move on? I was able to do it, but I wouldn't call it easy - I'm not sure I feel any better at the end of it now than I did on the first day. Do you keep repeating the week until you feel like it is a cakewalk or do you push yourself to the next week and see if you can do it?

    Also, I tend to do the elliptical (usually hill setting) after C25K. Am I messing anything up by doing more that same session? Help and advice greatly welcomed!
  • Drendren
    Drendren Posts: 34 Member
    My favorite podcast to use is by Robert Ullrey. No need of a watch - he tells you when to walk and run, and offers a lot of encouragement along the way. There are links to all things C25K here-->
    Congrats on starting! My goal is to start the last week of March, when (hopefully) the snow is gone.
  • Just started yesterday! x I can run for 20 mins but I really want thirty. ;o;
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    I just did w1d3 today and wondered how to know when you are ready to move on? I was able to do it, but I wouldn't call it easy - I'm not sure I feel any better at the end of it now than I did on the first day. Do you keep repeating the week until you feel like it is a cakewalk or do you push yourself to the next week and see if you can do it?

    There is also an iphone app to help you time your intervals!
  • I just did w1d3 today and wondered how to know when you are ready to move on? I was able to do it, but I wouldn't call it easy - I'm not sure I feel any better at the end of it now than I did on the first day. Do you keep repeating the week until you feel like it is a cakewalk or do you push yourself to the next week and see if you can do it?

    Also, I tend to do the elliptical (usually hill setting) after C25K. Am I messing anything up by doing more that same session? Help and advice greatly welcomed!
    I do 30DS and yoga and other things with it, i think that's okay as long as you feel okay! (:
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 406 Member
    I did it in February last year and have been in 5 races since then and am now running up to 10 miles. It is an incredible program! Don't be afraid to repeat days if you need to and don't be intimidated by the longer run days. It actually was easier for me to run longer than all the starting and stopping. LOL. Good luck to everyone!
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 671 Member
    I did it in February last year and have been in 5 races since then and am now running up to 10 miles. It is an incredible program! Don't be afraid to repeat days if you need to and don't be intimidated by the longer run days. It actually was easier for me to run longer than all the starting and stopping. LOL. Good luck to everyone!

    That is amazing!!! :) I want to be like you!
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    I just did w1d3 today and wondered how to know when you are ready to move on? I was able to do it, but I wouldn't call it easy - I'm not sure I feel any better at the end of it now than I did on the first day. Do you keep repeating the week until you feel like it is a cakewalk or do you push yourself to the next week and see if you can do it?

    Also, I tend to do the elliptical (usually hill setting) after C25K. Am I messing anything up by doing more that same session? Help and advice greatly welcomed!

    If I completed a day I called it a "pass". If I got to the next day and could not complete it I'd repeat that day til it could be completed, again, once the day was done go ot the next day.
  • Hi all,
    I did C25K last year and loved it! Having never been able to run before it was really great - I used the free podcasts from the NHS website, they were brilliant, good music and Laura is really great to listen to. She tells you how she found it and gives you tips, it's really motivational.

    I agree with the other posts - you don't have to move up each week, do what feels right. I also agree that towards the end I found keeping going easier than starting and stopping. I am now doing bridge to 10k and have my first 10k run for charity in May - am scared but really excited at the same time.

    I find the first 10mins of any run is the worst, if you can get through that it get's easier. Don't start off too fast, get into a rhythm and then if you're feeling ok half way through you can try and speed up a bit towards the end. You do get days where it just isn't happening as well - I found the best thing to do was to listen to my body and try it again the next time, some days for whatever reason just aren't meant to be running days!

    Good luck all :o)

    PS The NHS website has great community posts you can join as well with useful tips and people going through the same thing. I would thoroughly recommend it :o)
  • woodstockmom
    woodstockmom Posts: 29 Member
    This program looks fun. I have been running intervals on my own for the past few weeks but I love the idea of working toward a goal. I'll start today. Thanks!!
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    I'm week 2!

    I did it last year and the program totally works. I just wish I hadn't stopped running.
  • Bunn11
    Bunn11 Posts: 47 Member
    I've completed wk one &off out v.shortly for wk2d1... never really been a runner but enjoying the challenge (&it really is one for me mentally &physically)

    Good luck everyone -feel free 2add me :smile:
  • lilyvale68
    lilyvale68 Posts: 96 Member
    Just finished week 2. Start week 3 on Monday. I actually feel it getting easier as the week progresses. I wouldn't have expected that in only three days per week.

    Feel free to add me. :)
  • valerietoxii
    valerietoxii Posts: 93 Member
    I will do my 3rd day of week two today! I actually did week 1 twice because I didn't think I could move on. Once I actually did, I was so proud of myself and I felt awesome!
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 302 Member
    If I completed a day I called it a "pass". If I got to the next day and could not complete it I'd repeat that day til it could be completed, again, once the day was done go ot the next day.
    Brilliant! Makes total sense! And that is what I shall do. Thank you for posting!

    FWIW, my issue is that I don't like to give up, ever. So "failing" a day (ie: not being able to complete it) will be hard, but I'm going to push myself to find it a motivator. Like I CAN do this!
  • hannahwrnr
    hannahwrnr Posts: 45 Member
    I just did w1d3 today and wondered how to know when you are ready to move on? I was able to do it, but I wouldn't call it easy - I'm not sure I feel any better at the end of it now than I did on the first day. Do you keep repeating the week until you feel like it is a cakewalk or do you push yourself to the next week and see if you can do it?

    Also, I tend to do the elliptical (usually hill setting) after C25K. Am I messing anything up by doing more that same session? Help and advice greatly welcomed!

    I started week two yesterday and was really worried because week one was rough for me! Week two day one went by so much easier! It was more running, but I got on a rhythm and it was great! I say keep moving and if you need to take a step back then you can :) oh and I normally do the bike for a bit after running, but n more than like 15-20 min. It hasn't messed anything up yet!