

  • Medtech2004
    Medtech2004 Posts: 55 Member
    If your diary is correct your body is in starvation mode and won't let you lose weight. Try eating atleast 1200 calories a day and see how that goes.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    Looked over a few you drink water during the day and what kind of exercise do you get?
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    The past two weeks was an increase in calories?!!?!?! You are eating under 600 calories some days, most days under 1000. And you're wondering why your body doesn't want to give anything up? You need to seriously increase to a level that will actually sustain and nourish your body...I don't think I could do anything but sleep if I ate an average of 800 calories a day.

    k, i am quoting this not because it is directed at this person, but i know there's gonna be 100 posts that say the same thing.

    I don't believe in the magic 1200 cals. not everyone needs that. get yer *kitten* to your doctor and get a plan that is tailored to you. I spent 5 months following a 1200 calorie diet, religiously. Lost 2 pounds. went to my doctor and referred to specialists, got a plan for me. I do not take supplements or anything, I eat between 700 to 1000 cals a day on average, on work out days, still under 1200. you can see from my ticker, how much I have lost... tons of energy, and being monitored by the doctors ensures I am not doing anything harmful to my body.

    MFP is a tool, nothing more. you need PROFESSIONAL advice if the simple tools don't work. Everyone is unique.
  • CajunApril
    CajunApril Posts: 60 Member
    I took a quick look at your diary, and I see alot of people remarking your not eating your calories. I agree with this but more importantly just going through about 3 days of your diary its quite evident your also not eating vast varieties of nutrition. I have an awful sweet problem and from what I see you also like them. (PLEASE DON'T TAKE OFFENSE TO THIS!). For example, look at yesterdays food. Take out every item that you had that was a sugary type snack. Including your breakfeast. You didn't have a variety of nutrition at all. Nutrition is the key for your metabo not to be sluggish. You gotta maintain a balanced day of foods to keep your sugar levels maintained so that your body burns and doesn't store. Eating your calories is not the most important thing but what makes up the calories your eating is. Try getting some fiber, good fats, protien, grains, fruits and veggies to make up more calories than anything. Get the right kinds of fuel in your body for your metabo..

    Would love to help you on your journey, add me if you like and the best of luck to you.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    You aren't eating enough - 700-900 calories a day isn't enough for your body to even function properly.
  • Alma_Sana
    Alma_Sana Posts: 453 Member
    You can manually adjust the calories. Everyone's body and metabolism is slightly different. Take off 100 cals and see how you weigh in next week and report back.

    I agree and you might have hit a plateau, sounds silly since you just started but I hit one after 10lbs. I would change up your workout or add a bit. Log everything that you eat. even small things.and maybe switch out somethings for more fresh fruit and veggies or whole food if you are doing prepackaged. Sometimes it just takes time. The first time I lost a ton of weight sometimes it took 2 months to lose 5 lbs, but no matter what I never stopped my diet or exercise. The key is consistently eating right and exercising. No matter how long it takes or seems like forever. Just remember eventually you will get there. The humps in the middle can take a while. . .but they too shall pass. You are working really hard, don't discount your efforts because of the scale. Results come in time. Focus on the fact that you are kicking butt exercising and eating healthy. Hope this helps :)

    Edit: Before I joined MFP I weighed 278.8lbs. I went down to 152lbs then after 2 years ate my way back up to 206. This time it's for life <3
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    I am betting it wouldn't be lying but who would want to do that for 5 weeks to tell for sure? :laugh:

    I've been doing this for 60 days now, and have consistently met my 5 week goals that MFP has put out there. Does it work for everyone, probably not but it has for me.
    You have eaten the EXACT same thing for 60 days?! That would suck. And doing the exact same workout, the exact same way, exact same intensity?! That's what mfp says.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I am also wondering about the 25 lbs in five weeks... That's way more than you should expect to lose or even try to lose! :-)

    depends. when I started my diet, I lost 14 pounds in two weeks. granted, the docs said 6 pounds was water weight....but you're right, that kind of loss doesn't keep going at that rate. It generally comes off faster in the beginning, especially if you have a great deal to lose.
  • JohnnyResets
    JohnnyResets Posts: 177 Member
    Exactly what everyone above has said. Tuesday for example your diary says you only had 497 calories? The inconsistency of your diaries is probalby forcing your body to slow your metabolism, trying to keep you from starving. Eat to live and remember that water. You can look at my diary if you'd like, mind you, yesterday was a bad day. :embarassed: But eating all of the calories that MFP says is working for me, but like some others have said above, we're all different. Best of luck!!
  • Lilituga
    Lilituga Posts: 5 Member
    You're fooling yourself if you think that eating xx amount of calories only is going to cause you instant weight loss.

    5 lbs a week isn't weight loss; it's undernourishment, and you're going to suffer greatly in the end. Please, don't try to lose all your weight as if it's a race. You're going to harm yourself in the end and you're going to wind up putting much of the weight back on.

    MFP didn't lie to you. Those results don't take into account water retention, muscle toning, etc. It just means that if weight were only based on calories, this is what you'd weigh.

    Also, read my post about "The reason you fail at losing weight". Hopefully, you'll obtain a better understanding of how this weight loss thing goes.

    You've got our support, but be healthy about it!
    Be wise about it :)
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    So five weeks ago MFP said maintain this calorie count and you will weigh 205 in five weeks..well guess what I still weigh 220...the first two weeks I lost ten pounds and there I have stayed..the last two weeks based on advice from others I have increased my calorie count and yet here I am still at 220....I cut out bread cut out my protein bars...what else do I need to do....

    Lower your calories. If you don't lose why are you increasing calories. I will never get that. Ask a doctor how many calories you should eat. People here can offer advice, but we are all different, I use my friends as support. If I need advice I see a doctor.
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    Based on what Ive learned in my nuttition and anatomy classes... Your body will not allow you to lose weight if you are not taking in enough food, because it knows that it needs to store the fat to ensure it doesnt starve (die) same goes with water if you drink enough you dont retain, if you drink to little you retain because you body is trying to conserve what it has. Eat enough but not too much you will lose, eat too little you will not lose but you WILL make yourself sick. Eat the recomended calories, ear back at the very least half your work out calories. Drink a lot of water. You will without a doubt start losing. Good luck!
  • ShrinkingSusan
    ShrinkingSusan Posts: 41 Member
    Sweetie, you need to eat. The first week one will drop a large amount of weight (mostly water), but that cannot be sustained over time. Eat 1200 net calories per day and you are nearly guaranteed to drop pounds and be healthy.
  • antiqueembryo
    Another trick someone taught me when you are at a plateau and have stopped losing weight, is to go over by 200 calories or so for a day. My body seems to get used to eating a smaller amount and then stops losing weight, but if I up my calories for a day or two per week (I take one day off per week to eat what I want when I go out with friends), then it seems like my body stops retaining everything. I lost my target weight (6 lbs) in 6 weeks that way. Now I just go over because I don't need to lose anymore but kind of like logging my calories compulsively :)
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Yeah and did you eat the same thing every day and workout exactly the same every day and was the temperature in the room the same every day and were you awake/asleep for the exact same time every day?!

    Basically, all it is saying, if you had actually had that deficit that day then the logic is that if you had the exact same day over and over again for 5 weeks you'd in theory lose that much weight by then. However, as you diet and as you shrink, the less calories you start needing, daily life variations stop you having the exact same day.
  • nikkisa10
    nikkisa10 Posts: 31 Member
    Try to get the calories needed and chg your goals on MFP
  • Anne14534
    Two quick points: First, that "end of day" calculator is simply that, a calculator. It means almost nothing to anyone but the "average" person. And no one is average, the average person is just a mathematical measurement of all of us together. Ignore it. I don't see any value in it at all.

    Secondly, what everyone says about variety and nutrition sounds about spot on, as well as the need to bring a doctor or dietician (or good holistic nutritionist). Once a person's weight becomes a serious health problem, it would be foolish not to include professionals in the solution.

    So don't be so hard on yourself. :-) Also... I know that losing 2 pounds a week probably feels like you'll never be done when the weight loss goal is large, but it really is the best and healthiest way. Slow and steady wins the race... and develops healthy habits and a healthy body to stay with for life.

    Thanks for sharing. :flowerforyou:
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    So five weeks ago MFP said maintain this calorie count and you will weigh 205 in five weeks..well guess what I still weigh 220...the first two weeks I lost ten pounds and there I have stayed..the last two weeks based on advice from others I have increased my calorie count and yet here I am still at 220....I cut out bread cut out my protein bars...what else do I need to do....

    Lower your calories. If you don't lose why are you increasing calories. I will never get that. Ask a doctor how many calories you should eat. People here can offer advice, but we are all different, I use my friends as support. If I need advice I see a doctor.

    She has nothing to lower her calories to! She is eating under 600 calories some days. Increasing your calories OVER what you burn in a day will cause you to gain weight, yes. Increasing from an unsustainably low number of calories to a healthy, nourishing number of calories a day will often help your metabolism come back up to what it's supposed to be. Say your BMR is 1600 calories a day, and your TDEE is 2300 a day, and you eat 700 calories a day consistently. Your BMR is going to slowly lower itself...then when you do have a day where you eat close to your TDEE - say, 2000 calories - your body is going to say, "OMG, FOOD!!!!" and hang onto every little morsel it can. If you actually eat to a healthy deficit - say, 250 calories off a TDEE of 2300 - and burn an extra couple hundred calories a day, you are setting yourself up for a nice pace of weight loss that you will actually be able to maintain. So yes, increasing calories does make sense if you are eating so few that your metabolism has slowed to a crawl.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Drink plenty water

    Eat when you get hungry

    Choose good foods, fruits, nuts, veggies, proteins, dairy, etc. . .

    Move your body, exercise

    Don't over think the process

    It's okay to go over calories

    Be patient
  • lauriem1974
    MFP does not lie, it is merely a guide line to help you lose weight. Quit blaming others for not losing the weight and start doing something about it! I hate when people come on here and bash the site. If you think it's a crock then leave! If you're overweight you and others should all know by now how to lose it. Stop starving yourself and eat the calories you're supposed to and you'll see a difference.