sugars in fruit and veggies

HI, I just started packing my lunch today for work. Well i'm already over in the sugar department. Do you have any suggestions on fruits and veggies that are low in natural sugars. I hate that I thought I was eating really well and turned out to go over in sugar. Any tips will be helpful.. My diary is open.


  • C00lCountry
    I notice this more then I would like. I am curious as to what other people do.
  • layge
    layge Posts: 25
    Vegetables are low in sugars.
    Bananas and grapes seem to be high in sugars
  • mransom1970
    mransom1970 Posts: 26 Member
    Berries are low in sugar.
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    Ignore the sugar in fruit, pretty sure no one got fat eating a couple of pieces of fruit per day.
  • socalgirl68
    I don't even look at the sugar. I only eat natural sugars and your body doesn't process it the same. Ignore the sugars, unless you are eating like ice cream, cookies, frappes, etc.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Berries are relatively low in sugar. If your watching sugar intake you can always do half an apple, half an orange etc. Vegetables (excluding corn, potatoes and a few others) are lower in sugar than fruits are. Mfp doesn't separate natural sugars and so you need to decide if it's all sugars you want to keep low or simple, processed sugars. All depends on your goal.
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    The sweeter the fruit, the more the sugar. A sour green grape would have less sugar than a sweet purple grape by a little. But fruit is healthy, don't worry about it.

    Keep away from refined sugars and you will do great!
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    A couple of sugary fruits and then lean on the "veggies" (most so called veggies are really fruits) recommended of 30 is added sugar and I don't see an lot of added sugar on your healthy days. You don't want tons of fruit sugars but if they are tied up with complex carbs (think apples and sweet potatoes) it will less of a rush than say a clementine which does have fiber but not as much. Carrots are awesome since the energy to eat it and the fiber in it helps with the sugar absorption. Also combine them with protein to slow the sugar down from being dumped in your system. Many will say, eek you don't want fruit but used sensibly it works fine. My diary is public, I am losing 1-2 pounds a week and I eat a lot of fruits and veggies which flies in the face of many here who are of the carnivore persuasion and avoid fruits and veggies like the plague but eat easy to metabolize carbs, geez.
  • sportyskylar
    my trainer told me to stick with berries and avoid bananas and oranges cause they're high in sugar
  • dragynyss
    Blueberries are good and unsweetened strawberries - just watch your serving size. Stay away from bananas and grapes - good advice from above. And whether the sugar comes from a fruit or a candybar, it's still calories and you are correct in counting it.

    I keep my carbs low which works for me so I watch the sugars I eat closely. I would stick to green leafy veggies and only do one small serving (if any) of fruit in a day.