
- What are somethings you say to yourself to help make it through either a temptation, or working out, or etc
I think I need to kinda keep saying certain things to myself and I just thought it would be fun to hear what other people say

No matter what is influencing me, it is still my hand that puts the food into my mouth."
"The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret
"Nothin to it but to do it!"

"Would I rather have that or reach my goal?"
Every time I let myself slip, it is a step backward. Do it too often, and I will never get there
Never give up what you Want Most - for what you want at the Moment!
food will be there tomorrow - but you wouldn't like it if it were on you by tomorrow
I am worth it" when I am not sure if I can keep watching what I eat

, "It's not going to kill you to wait for your next meal before eating

That food will make me feel good today, but a healthy(and thin) body will make me feel good for the rest of my life- FAVORITE