Started today and looking for support

Hi everyone. I just signed into this site today.
Determined to get back on track after putting back on more than half the weight I last last year & the year before. I lost 4 stone following a VLCD in 6 months from July 2010 and managed to maintain to a point - but up and down a lot so not very healthy. I managed to get into a routine using a gym regularly as well, so did really well. Major motivation was my health and my daughters wedding last May. So managed ok for a while, but always knew the VLCD route was not sustainable for me. After a fantastic holiday last September I didn't really get back on track and after Christmas I still carried on overeating the wrong stuff. So I am determined that this time I will take the long view and eat a good range of lower fat, lower sugar foods and try to lose slowly and steadily and keep it off for good. I also want to start to increase my fitness again. I will be 50 this september &need to be on track for a healthier decade than my forties!


  • Fastedyzgrl
    Fastedyzgrl Posts: 1 Member
    dear bun: please let me introduce myself my site name is fastedyzgrl. much luck and success to you. may i ask 2 things? what is VLCD and how many pounds or kilos is a stone? you must be from over the pond and i am here in wisconsin US where beer and cheese are king. find friends who think healthy and will bring you along ( either literally or with encouragement or both) i just started my last and forever venture with food and alas i am an addict. i will overcome and i feel pretty adamant about it. i am 54 and like you dont want to get some kind of diabetes or something. began my adventure about a month ago. did great but last week went to florida and did some old habits but i kind of decided beforehand i wasnt going to get crazy over it and i started right back up today. keep me updated on your progress.
  • Hi Fastedyz, yes, you guessed I'm from the UK!

    VLCD is Very Low Calorie Diet (shakes , soups & bars sort of thing), which as the name suggests is not really sustainable, but I have to admit has fantastic results if you stick to it,. I felt great when I was in the zone and genuinely didn't feel hungry a lot of the time. It was good for a quick fix maybe but no good for a life choice. The fact that I am back up to 215lbs from 182lb proves it won't stay off by magic - but I was 238lbs so I'm still better than I was back this time 2 years ago.

    There are 14 lbs in a stone, (sorry I don't do kilos, although I do know there are about, 2.2 lbs to a kilo). If cheese & beer are kings in Wisconsin, then Chips (thats fat potato fries, not crisps) and lager (oh and pies!) are king here in Bristol, England.

    Sounds like you had a great holiday last week, well done to get back onto your healthy eating today and not getting hung up over a short term break - just don't let the week become 6 months like I did!

    I'm doing my first weigh in on monday so will hopefully have good news to pass on then.