Need some motivation/motivators!



  • Good for you girl! :-) I'm weaning myself off of soda right now, that's where I was the absolute worst. I've gone 6 days without a single drop! I've been eating pretty healthy as well, slowly but surely I plan to completely convert my diet to completely good foods! I love to run, so I've been running and doing a bunch of ab crunches :-)

    I've cut soda out of my diet for about 6 months now! Except for once when I was sick, I had a Sprite. It is great though. Sodas are completely unnecessary so you'll get used to it. I'm only 18, so I have a fast metabolism still, but I believe that using a program like myfitnesspal is a lifestyle change, not just a way to diet. I still eat sweets a lot. Mostly I've just cut out white flour products; this has significantly helped. I've dropped down to what I weighed in the 9th or 10th grade when I was my current height.
  • Welcome Kayla!
    I've had the app for a while but I've never actually been on the website haha.

    I wish you the best of luck on reaching your goal. Loosing weight is one hardest things to do.

    I like to eat so this has been the hardest two months for me haha.

    Let's add each other and stay motivated! :)
  • Good for you girl! :-) I'm weaning myself off of soda right now, that's where I was the absolute worst. I've gone 6 days without a single drop! I've been eating pretty healthy as well, slowly but surely I plan to completely convert my diet to completely good foods! I love to run, so I've been running and doing a bunch of ab crunches :-)

    I've cut soda out of my diet for about 6 months now! Except for once when I was sick, I had a Sprite. It is great though. Sodas are completely unnecessary so you'll get used to it. I'm only 18, so I have a fast metabolism still, but I believe that using a program like myfitnesspal is a lifestyle change, not just a way to diet. I still eat sweets a lot. Mostly I've just cut out white flour products; this has significantly helped. I've dropped down to what I weighed in the 9th or 10th grade when I was my current height.

    I can't wait for the day I can say that I've gone 6 months without a soda! I can see how this site can help make the dieting and excercising into a healthy lifestyle change. I love it!
  • Welcome Kayla!
    I've had the app for a while but I've never actually been on the website haha.

    I wish you the best of luck on reaching your goal. Loosing weight is one hardest things to do.

    I like to eat so this has been the hardest two months for me haha.

    Let's add each other and stay motivated! :)

    Thank you! :-) I love to eat out a lot too! That's another hurdle I will have to overcome :-) I would love to have another motivational partner!