So, I am doing insanity as it is amazing cardio. But my issue is I get so out of breath that it like burns, any suggestions on what I can do to impove that? Or should I just keep taking breaks?


  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    your heart and lungs will get stronger and stronger as you progress. take five or ten second breaks just to catch your breath, if necessary! you'll see the folks during the workout doing the same thing. after a time, you'll likely find the breaks you take are shorter in duration and perhaps even non-existant :D
  • your heart and lungs will get stronger and stronger as you progress. take five or ten second breaks just to catch your breath, if necessary! you'll see the folks during the workout doing the same thing. after a time, you'll likely find the breaks you take are shorter in duration and perhaps even non-existant :D

    Perfect! I will defintely do that :) I'm excited!
  • If you look for reviews on Insanity, It's definitely not for beginners. But be sure to pause it and go at your own pace. Slowly your muscles, lungs and heart will get stronger. Definitely a great workout, i love it. I just started it up again.

    Just keep at it. I know you can do it. Just stay motivated.
  • donnam40
    donnam40 Posts: 246 Member
    Try and have a big blow OUT. This helps get rid of the stale oxygen, allowing you to get more of the fresher air into your body. My daughter's running coach taught me this and it helps with a lot of physical activities.

  • Try and have a big blow OUT. This helps get rid of the stale oxygen, allowing you to get more of the fresher air into your body. My daughter's running coach taught me this and it helps with a lot of physical activities.


    Yep, definitely helps out.
  • If you look for reviews on Insanity, It's definitely not for beginners. But be sure to pause it and go at your own pace. Slowly your muscles, lungs and heart will get stronger. Definitely a great workout, i love it. I just started it up again.

    Just keep at it. I know you can do it. Just stay motivated.

    Thank you :) And yes I saw that it wasn't for beginners, but I know I can do it :) I will just have to work on it :)
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    And don't try to keep up with the people in the videos at first. Do what they're doing, but do it at a pace that pushes you, but doesn't burn you out. You can build up speed over time.

    And nothing wrong with finishing a few seconds early and having the occasional extra break to let you catch your breath.
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    I love INSANITY and have done three rounds. Like others have stated your lungs and heart will get stronger.

    I have also run and have always been taught and coached to, breath IN through your nose and OUT through your mouth.
    The act of breathing in through your nose causes you to use different muscles. This way you draw air deeper into the lungs where more blood is located. This makes oxygenating the blood more efficient. You can expel the air faster through the mouth.

    Some people may disagree with this advice but do what feels best to you.

  • tmfpartyof4
    tmfpartyof4 Posts: 124 Member
    So, I am doing insanity as it is amazing cardio. But my issue is I get so out of breath that it like burns, any suggestions on what I can do to impove that? Or should I just keep taking breaks?

    I am getting ready to try this.... I will keep watching the threads. Good for you! you can do it!