Operation Fired Up!

Now, I want to:
• Go Nutz!
• Defy gravity!
• Launch into orbit!
• "Steal the Sun from the Sky!" (Shine Down)
• Make History!
• Change My Actions!
• Make a Difference!
• Take a Chance, then Take it Again!
• Take Responsibility
• WIN!
• Take Credit!
Hi, I'm new to posting stuff. In fact, I'm new to this entire community. I'd like to introduce myself & express my gratitude to be able to share the same goals, dreams, & aspirations as these brave people here at the forum. My goal is to lose 150 lbs, exactly 10 lbs under my former weight. Eventhough I'm bedridden throughout most of my day on painkillers & narcotic meds, that hardly work, I don't see that as a reason to check out & give in. I'm still excited about my health & my destiny that I've carved out for myself. There's more than just a pair of size 8 jeans on the line for this feline. God Bless & May Operation Fired Up Commence!
And Remember: "No Nutz, No Glory"......Kokonutz •_< がんばってね!