Haven't lost in 2 weeks - anyone want to peek at my diary?



  • luvmi2kids
    luvmi2kids Posts: 3 Member
    You are over on your sugar every day and you never eat all you protein. Make sure you are watching your sugar intake. Getting all your protein in will help also. A serving of Chicken, eggs or even red meat twice a day will help you with this. Make sure you are coming close to your allotted calories, you don't want your body to keep food the fat in because it's afraid you aren't going to feed it enough! Also drink all of your water, even up to 10 servings a day. Any exercise you can get in will also help.
    Eating the right amounts is a learning process, don't get discouraged, you will get it!
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Wowza on the carbs and sugar. There's your problem. keep the carbs down to under 50, the sugar as low as is humanly possible. Unless you are running marathons, they're storing as fat on your body.
    Eat more protein, and vegies, and drink water.
    Good luck and kudos for opening up your diary for public scrutiny!
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    Diets stall.. just hang in there. stay at your calorie goal and actually, if you don't eat back your exercise calories, splurge once or twice to mess up your metabolism.

    I can sit at a set weight for two weeks too, then the next week, lose 5 pounds. It is about water a lot of the time, so watch your salt!!

    good luck!
  • JeanniebeanL79
    JeanniebeanL79 Posts: 96 Member
    i don't see lots of veggies... i'm bad for that too.. and i see you under your goal quite often sometimes by a lot... maybe you just arn't eating enough in general?
    I agree with the calorie count. I have been making sure i eat my goal calories (1200) but i also exercise and eat some of those calories back as well and I seem to be pretty steady with weight loss. I also saw that someone mentioned too many carbs and sugar and I agree with that as well, I find that the hardest to not go over, especially sugar!! Good luck and feel free to friend me:)
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I think you're having too much sugar and not enough protein.
    One thing that I like to do that really helps me with a sweets craving is to have a bowl of oatmeal with fresh/frozen fruit in it for breakfast. I use about 1/4 cup of frozen strawberries(you can use any fruit.. peaches are good too), put them in a bowl and microwave them for 1 minute. Mash them with a potato masher and add 1/3 cup quick cooking oats, 2/3 cup water and artificial sweetener if you want. I use Splenda and a dash of salt, very little as Im on a sodium restricted diet. I then microwave it for 1 minute, 30 secs. It's awesome and fast to make. You can add wheat germ, ground flax seed or a few slivered almonds. If I use nuts I use very few as they are packed with calories. This keeps me full for hours and it's less than one serving of oatmeal. I think a reg. serving is 1/2 cup, uncooked. Better yet is steel cut oats or old fashioned, but they take too long to cook for me. I'm impatient. lol
    A lot of people make omelets for breakfast with one whole egg and 2 egg whites. You can put any veggies in them or lean canadian bacon or a little bit of low fat cheese. The key is to measure everything so you know what's going in.
    For lunch you need to eat some protein. I usually have whole wheat bread like you do with some lean turkey or chicken, half an avocado and some type of mustard. It's very filling and the avocado is creamy like mayo but has healthy oils in it.
    Between meals if I get hungry I will eat just the eat white of boiled eggs. There are only 17 calories in one large egg white. I give the yolks to my cat. She loves them. :) The little Cuties tangerines and a healthy snack and low in calories also.
    For dinner, I pretty much eat what I want if it's lower in fat and not fried. If I have rice its brown and wild rice. It's better for you just like whole wheat bread is better than white.
    For evening snacks I have the 100 calorie bag of popcorn, any fresh fruit, low fat string cheese, low cal. frozen fruit bars, smoothies made with 3/4 plain greek yogurt, 2 cups frozen fruit and 1/4 cup OJ. That recipe makes 3 huge red solo cups full. They freeze well too. Just microwave for 30 secs. It also has less than 150 calories. I'm not positive of the exact amt but if you just add the entire calories that go in and divide, youll know how many are in yours.
    Don't cut anything out entirely or you'll just give in to cravings. Treat yourself once in a while but measure it and know how many calories are in it, plan for it and make sure you exercise a little extra that day. No guilt! I sometimes treat myself on Fridays if I did well all week.
    I think you need to eat more protein and less sugar. Good luck and you can add me on here if you'd like. :)
  • kezzie888
    If you seriously want to lose weight you should cut out the bad fats such as in the cookies and pancakes you are eating along with the daily Starbucks (i know they are good but!!!) there is also alot of hidden sugar in the sauces ect . If you seriously want to kick off weight loss just eat clean whole food diet such as oatmeal, eggs, chicken, steamed veggies, cottage cheese on rice cakes all the boring boring stuff....along with all the excercise you are doing you should lose weight - why spoil it by eating cookies? You may be under your calorie intake but you have to look at what sort of calories you are eating. Your diet is what I would be putting on serious weight with:(
  • castaliavt
    castaliavt Posts: 84 Member
    Not sure what bad fats are in pancakes - the recipe I use has 2 tsp of canola oil for the whole batch.

    I don't actually go to starbucks - it's a local coffee shop that uses fair trade espresso and organic milk. I have a splash of hazelnut syrup that's imported from italy. No HFCS. It's not in the MFP data base though, so I just put it in as starbucks and am assuming I"m eating less cals/sugar than logged.

    I had 2 small cookies twice - I'm hardly going off the rails. And I am eating oatmeal, eggs, chicken, veggies and cottage cheese. I don't consider them boring though - I like that stuff.

    I am going to try upping my protein a bunch this week and I'll cut back my milk and fruit intake. The cookies are unfortunate for the past couple of days, but they're not the norm and thanks to a hungry husband and preschooler are almost gone. And to be honest, as far as cookies go - they have 3 cups of rolled oats, unsweetened applesauce (for half of the sugar), eggs, raisins and walnuts - they're not THAT bad. I'm not binge eating oreos all day.

    Thanks for all the replies - I'm adding more protein this week and crossing my fingers.
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    You should be losing on that intake. Are you weighing out your food or just estimating the portion size? When most people estimate, they tend to think they're eating less than what they really ate. Maybe just measure with measuring cups.
  • kelr04
    kelr04 Posts: 15
    I noticed that you are eating alot of carbs. I am insulin resistant and have to keep mine around 125.
    (this depends on your weight). I would try cutting back on them. Feel free to check my diary.
  • castaliavt
    castaliavt Posts: 84 Member
    weighing and measuring (depending on the food)
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I'm working on my chocolate habit. :-) aside from that, most of my sugar intake is milk and fruit. I don't drink soda and don't add sugar to my coffee, except for the occasional hazelnut latte and I have them make it 1/4 sweet (although I haven't figured out how to log that).

    Every body is different in how it handles certain foods. I love fruit and I used to eat a lot of it including red grapes, bananas, apples, cantaloupe, watermelon, etc. But my body processed the sugar differently and it actually caused some weight gain. I have now switched to only have a serving (maybe 2) of fruit per day, if any. I eat a lot more fresh vegetables now and the weight started to drop again. Try increasing your vegetables without having any from a can. All that added sodium is not good. Hang in there, I don't consider it a 'plateau' until at least 4 weeks have passed. Then it's time to change things up. Good luck!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I was gaining weight when I was eating more. I really don't want to gain back everything I've been working to lose. That would suck.

    That could be caused by any number of things. How long were you eating back more? Women have monthly cycles to deal with and that could have coincided with your weight gain if you only ate back during that untimely week. It could also be that you are grossly over-estimating the amount of exercise you are doing. Do you wear an HRM to calculate your calories burned? Or are you using what's in the database? It could be that you are not getting the burn you think you are and eating back exercise calories you really don't have. Just an idea.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    I could probably up my veggies a bit more - had food poisoning a couple of weeks ago and am still not 100% from that. I do try to get in some with each meal.

    I don't think eating more is going to help. I was gaining weight pretty steadily and tracking calories on sparkpeople - I was eating around 1700 and gaining. MFP recommended 1470 and I'm wondering if I should bump down to 1350 or something.

    Just looking at today alone I can tell you're under eating. Burning 1000 calories during exercise, assuming you are using a heart monitor to get an accurate # means you had a deficit today of close to 2000 calories, that's starvation mode territory. Also No offense, but there is no way you would be gaining weight eating 1700 calories daily even if you weren't exercising. Something isn't adding up. Try weighing and checking your portions, you could eating a whole lot more than you think, it's really easy to do. Or you are simply doing too much exercising and not giving your body enough food.

    Lastly, it's VERY common for people to go a couple weeks without losing. Read the thread in here on weight plateau'ing , it's very insightful and you can narrow down which piece of the puzzle you're not doing correctly.
  • Mceastes
    Mceastes Posts: 303 Member
    If I saw a friend with a food/exercise diary such as yours, I would say the following:

    1. Your daily calorie goal is fine - looks like you're shooting for just under 1500 calories and that's a good objective for weight loss for most women. I wouldn't lower that.
    2. You absolutely do have to eat back the calories you burn or else you'll just put your body in starvation mode and stall your efforts. I find consistency is key - you have to stay in that safe overall calorie range and consistently get enough protein, especially if you workout.
    3. You need to up your protein intake.
    4. There's no way you're burning that many calories on the elliptical unless you are just flying. I'd research that.
    5. As far as how fast you should be seeing results, 2 weeks is right on the borderline. If you were just at one week, I'd say give it some time, if it was 3 weeks, I'd say you should be losing by now. Your sugars are a little high, but don't cut out milk and fruit. I've seen clients eat as much sugar as that and still lose weight when their overall calories were in the right zone (meaning not too low and not too high).

    I think the key for you is going to be not fluctuating in your calories so much and adding protein. I mean, I eat a girl scout cookie or two, it's not going to make you gain or keep you from losing. Your diet does NOT have to be perfect to lose weight, but it does have to be consistent. When you workout and still don't eat enough, that doesn't work. When you follow that with a day of eating too much sugar and not enough protein, recipe for disaster. It's a lot of trial and error, but don't lose hope. You'll figure out what works for you if you don't give up - good luck!!!