Weight loss pills/Appetite suppressants

Does anybody use these at all - prescription or over the counter? I've seen commercials for Lipozene...heard that Hydroxycut works, and curious about the other stuff out there, but nervous about trying any of that stuff. I know I should go at all natural and not take anything, but is there anything out there that is really and truly okay to take to help in this weight loss journey?


  • chuckles217
    chuckles217 Posts: 123 Member
    Try not to take anything... ever. Most of the targeted supplements have "proprietary blends" that allow them to mask ingredients that they use. They only have to list certain ingredients as required by the FDA but since its listed as an herbal supplement, they don't have to have the research proof that supports their claims as prescription products do.

    A lot of the herbal supplements have jacked up levels of caffeine and other diuretics that keep your water weight down hence the rapid drop in weight and the nice boost (temporary) in energy but in reality, you're tossing a lot of ingredients in the body that lack evidence of effectiveness or even safety.

    As far as prescription drugs, they mainly play on appetite suppression which if it can help you get weight off and transition to a diet without them afterwards, helps but most people become reliant on them and don't make the lifestyle changes needed to maintain the weight loss; therefore, as soon as they drop the weight and then the meds, they regain the weight.

    There will never be a replacement or pill for hard work. You can do it, so do it.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    ya..they are really worthless..sure some make you feel full..but really why waste money on these products when all you need is a little will power and calorie counting.

    they are based on loose science with very little to no actual studies. just because it claims there was a study done, doesnt mean it was scientific...someone can claim a study just on the fact someone some where observed that this or that could happen if you take this.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I tried hydroxycut once a few years ago and it just made my heart pound and made me jittery and irritable. I HATED it and when I came off of it I was MISERABLE for a few days. HATED it.

    In the end, I want to be able to lose weight for life, not just for the length of time I can stand to take a pill. It just doesn't seem like a practical way to KEEP weight off.
  • KristinLeAnn252
    KristinLeAnn252 Posts: 136 Member
    I use Alli and it seems to be working. Plus, it keeps me aware of how much fat I'm eating. I really like it for now. I'm going to stop taking it once I get out of the "overweight" zone but until then, it's a good supplement to my diet and exercise changes :)
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I tried Hydroxycut, Lypozene and many others before coming here. They were all terrible and made me feel like crap. Stick to eating right and moving more.
  • Don't waste your money on them. Spend it on fresh fruit and vegetables and you will be much better off. It's more important to eat healthy and exercise. You just have to set reasonable expectations.
  • I've tried Hydroxycut, but it doesn't work unless you have the right diet and exercise like CRAZY. Plus, for someone like myself (overweight and needed a lifestyle chance, not just shedding a 5-15 pounds for bikini season), it just wasn't practical. Next I tried Alli. It worked for a little while, but I found it really annoying to have to take a pill or two at every since meal - especially when I would go out to a restaurant, I'd take out a pill, and then have to explain to everyone at the table (who watched me pop a pill) what it was and it was just awkward. It did work, but beware of the pretty interesting side effects (leakage!). It did stop working during the second week and so I gave it up.

    I'm finding that doing an exercise I love (Zumba), 3-4 times a week and the right diet is the best medicine for me. I am taking supplements to help with the extra vitamins and antioxidants my body needs. I'm drinking Oolong tea which has many benefits that green tea carries, but I hate the taste of green tea and enjoy Oolong. Also, I'm taking the green tea antioxidant support from Spring Valley Vitamins and will be starting the Cayenne Fruit supplements. My doctor recommended I take a supplement to help with my metabolism since I was lucky enough to inherit the slowest metabolism on the planet (ha).

    All in all, I'm seeing results (at a healthy rate; 15 pounds in almost 6 weeks) and I'm happy with the progress I'm making. The supplements and tea is just an added bonus to the work I'm already doing!

    Hope you find something that works for you and something that is also healthy for your body! :D Best of luck!
  • I'd love to find something that would help with weight loss as well. But I have no courage to take, because I know that many of them are misleading and put my life and health at risk. For that matter, so keep dreaming lol
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Does anybody use these at all - prescription or over the counter? I've seen commercials for Lipozene...heard that Hydroxycut works, and curious about the other stuff out there, but nervous about trying any of that stuff. I know I should go at all natural and not take anything, but is there anything out there that is really and truly okay to take to help in this weight loss journey?
    Don't waste your money on supplements that claim weight loss. Most don't have clinical studies to back them at all. And really it comes down to diet.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • If these pills worked there would be no need to market them, the companies that produce them would be worth more than Apple. There are no shortcuts, exercise, diet, and consistency, boring but it works.
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    i suggest you stay clear of those artificial supplements and loose weight the normal way; diet and excersie. folks never succeed with those and gain it all back.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    if you didnt gained all that weight via a pill, you sure as heck aint gonna lose it with a pill. Stick to the plan. Supplements such as vitamins, fiber and protein are proven for decades to be good for you but these fad diet pills are not and have been known to do more harm than good (actually, they just do harm and no good)
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I recently discovered Q10 and thats a natural supplement like vitamins and can be brought from an health food shop. We naturally have Q10 in our bodies, particuarly our heart muscle. People who are slim and can eat anything without gaining were found to naturally have more Q10 than people who gained easily... check out my post for details :happy: